
As we roll down this unfamiliar road


5 Years
Athena I
07-17-2013, 10:44 PM

The moment that Chrysanthe said that Valhalla would have her a huge grin crossed her muzzle and her tail waved furiously behind her. Her teal gaze glanced happily over to Gael before turning her attention back to the Alpha. It was hard to keep her excitement contained, but she controlled herself, for the most part, so the fea could explain the basic rules to her. They were easy rules, nothing that didn't make sense to the small, timber-hued woman. She appreciated the alpha's offer of help whenever she was needed. It was nice knowing that even the leader of her new pack was willing to help even the newest members.

Meili's ears perked with interest when Chrys informed her that they were in need of hunters. She had wondered how she could serve the pack, but that was a perfect solution! "I would love to!" she replied, nodding eagerly. She thought she was fairly good at hunting already, but having someone to finally really teach her how to hunt would be fantastic. She hoped that her way of hunting wasn't too far off from the way they hunted here. Maybe she could even show them how she hunted and they could learn from each other?

A new comer to the party walked up to them, looking strikingly like the alpha. She watched as the fea came up to Gael and whispered in his ear and Meili looked at him curiously, wondering what she told him. The fea introduced herself as Azalea, Gael's sister. Meili was actually surprised. If anything, she would have guessed that she would have been Chrys's daughter, but instead she was the alpha's niece. Ah well, genetics were weird things. Meili dipped her head to the younger wolf, giving her a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you, Azalea. I'm Meili." It seemed that she was gonna get to meet Gael's family sooner than she thought! She wondered briefly how many siblings he had, but figured she would find out soon enough.
