
little shadow's bed and breakfast



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-16-2019, 10:01 PM
When he signed her "name" back to her, Eris felt a little thrill race up her spine. If he only knew... she felt a little bit guilty for tricking him and she hoped that this fib wouldn't come back to bite her. Maybe he would think it was funny. Was she funny? All of sudden, she felt self-conscious. Would he choose to spend any time with her after his wounds were healed? If he did, why? It would just be a waste of time. She was three-quarters blind, small, practically worthless. Without her family to help her out, there might come a day when she couldn't even catch fish any more - she wouldn't be able to feed herself without the help of others. Nothing more than a burden.

This line of thinking wasn't new to Eris, but curled up next to Oxide, it was certainly the most anxiety she'd felt in a long time. She had a desperate need for him to like her and find her valuable. The small wolf had no inkling that he was more interested in her tenderness and affections than her ability to be self-sufficient. The Ademre in her still struggled with her inability to fight. Although she had taken the Oath of the Star and tried to be a dedicated servant of Tor, nothing seemed to fill the void inside her. Except this dervish of warmth that Oxide inspired deep in her body, somewhere below her stomach.

"Oh," Eris breathed aloud as he described her. Was that true? She knew she had dark fur, but from the way he was speaking, she sounded almost special. Her face grew hot, but she was sure that it was the cannabis acting. "Well... what do you look like?" She asked, licking his chin. All she knew of Oxide was that he was lighter in color and much larger than her. His size would be highly prized among the Ademre - but only if he was a capable fighter. Eris supposed that brute strength was also a shortcoming. If he was large and clumsy, that would be no good at all... but something told her that wasn't the case.

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]