
The Ademre



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-17-2019, 07:58 PM
[Image: nTFp2ugh.jpg]

Name: Kindle
Age: 2 years
Skills: Fighting & Hunting
Build and Height: Small + Light
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: Kindle is fit and lithe, and to watch her move is to watch flames dance on the breeze. Slender and graceful, the she-wolf prides herself on a well-maintained appearance and hates for her soft fur to be dirtied in any way.

At it's base, Kindle's coat is a slate grey laid under a pattern of vibrant wispy hues. Upon her face, the grey deepens to a black-like coal. She is darkest around her eyes; the pitch there spreads outwards down the bridge of her nose and outwards to the edge of her face, where it splits off to frame the entirety of her petite face. Nestled within the black are her striking eyes, colored a golden-yellow. What remains of her pallet are stunning shades of purple and blue, crossing down from her shoulders to her chest and legs, down along her spine and to wrap around her hips. There is little semblance of uniformity or symmetry to the patterns, and why would they be? Her pelt is fire made flesh, and her colors run down along her as wild as flames themselves.

Personality: Kindle is a respectable and poised she-wolf. Her alignment should fall somewhere around a true neutral, as Kindle has learned to see both sides of a story. She will be be diplomatic and kind in the right situations, but has also learned to be unwielding in the face of adversity. She has a gentle side, though has also learned to value traits of intellect and strength. Kindle will aim to be dignified in all that she does, and will hold a certain pride in herself and her appearance. She maintains a clean, well-groomed coat at all times and hates to be dirtied.

Everyone may have a bad side, but Kindle practices mindfulness in order to keep it contained from the general population. It takes a lot to anger the she-wolf, but when enraged she will abandon nearly all her values in the sake of destruction and vengeance. Blue is the color of the hottest flames, and Kindle is no exception. She can fight ruthlessly and with cruelty when pushed hard, and though she will undeniably regret the times she loses control, in the heat of the moment she is driven purely through passion and emotion. She feels this is her largest flaw, as displaying emotions so openly is frowned upon by the Ademre.

Taken the Oath?:  Not yet. She is still ashamed of her occasional temper and outbursts and does not wish to take the oath until she feels she has it completely under control.
Relation to the Pyre family: Cousin?

Head swung low, nostrils flaring to brush aside dirt with a deep inhale and exhale. This was it. This is where she tracked them too, the others of her kind. She was drawn helplessly by their scents, the knowledge of their presence enough to drag the small she-wolf through the earth's dying grass with ferocious speed. The female was partly greyscale while the rest of her was splattered by blue and purple hues. She did not stand out in the field, however; the moon had disappeared and there was no light for her vibrant markings to absorb and reflect. Golden eyes seemed to emit a soft glow as she peered through the darkness. Just ahead, the movements of others drew her attention. In the darkness she could barely see the crimson she knew that decorated them, though the familiarity in their scent was enough to grow her confidence.

Her traveling stopped suddenly, and one speckled paw was placed forward to spread daintily across the earth, long neck arching forward with head that tilted slightly to the side. She paused to stand in silence, bending her head to lick her chest once in a self-absorbed action. Kindle wanted to look perfect for when she'd meet them again. Blackened tail wagged softly behind her. Would they welcome her, she wondered? Would they even recognize her? Slender paw tapped upon the ground in excitement, and the she-wolf padded forward to greet her kin. The Ademre.
PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.