
Steadfast [Song]

Also Former Fyri members]

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-18-2019, 09:11 AM
Song felt oddly peaceful as the days passed since Fyri’s loss. He was coming to peace with the fact that all his work had been really for nothing as Ignatius disappeared. He didn’t feel angry towards the man anymore, but only hoped he hadn’t perished and no one had found him. The northern reaches were treacherous, and even the most experienced wolf could misstep. He tried not to think too long about their once alpha as he slowly came to decide the time was right, and that they would go to Acere and offer their support to him. Or he was, until Auielle’s voice sang over old Fyri lands.

He groaned as he lifted himself from the moss covered boulder perched on the ridge. Kirsi lay close by, he’d suggested an afternoon nap here in his favorite place. They’d had a decent breakfast from what was left of Fyri’s kill pile, and digesting in the northern summer sun seemed a great way to pass the day. Song’s tall form navigated the stones so he might nudge his companion away softly.

”Valhalla’s leader wishes to speak with us.” He told her as the woman’s voice quieted. He didn’t know how many of Fyri’s members remained here, but he hadn’t seen any of them. He would lead the way if Kirsi allowed, icy paws carrying him to where the iridescent alpha had stopped. ”Aurielle, nice to see you. Sorry I didn’t say hello at the challenge.” It had been an emotional and crazy day. ”You can understand why,” he offered with a chuckle.