
haunted by the ghost of you



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
06-18-2019, 05:07 PM
The woman said she was here to pick up the pieces and regain her title and asked why he was inquiring. He didn't have a very specific answer for her, but he could try to summarize his thoughts.

"I know Hannibal had... troubles with the pack he was in. This is what ultimately led to his willingness to challenge."

He wasn't in a position to know where Hannibal might be or what might have gone down with him and anyone else, but it wasn't a far leap to guess that maybe someone had come after him due to the challenge.

"It could have led to trouble for him- and possibly for you," Archon said. "Now, I'm also interested in knowing where Hannibal went. He's a free man and I had hoped we would come to an agreement of sorts in relation to his ambitions."

Archon glanced around himself as if expecting Hannibal to come out at any second. He couldn't say they were friends. Archon had claimed him as a bargaining chip, but they had been able to talk well and come to a deal in the end and Archon harbored no ill will towards him. In fact, Archon we perhaps even a little worried about the scabby man.

"Are you going to keep looking for him?" Archon asked. Either way, he wondered if she would be... accepting to an offer... a friendship? An agreement? Archon wasn't sure what to call it yet or what to think of the woman, but he felt there must be a reason she was brought to him... or that he was brought to her. Curiosity nagged him. He wanted to know where this was going.