
Inescapable [Spree?]


07-18-2013, 03:03 AM
The femme crossed the sand, printing the earth with her mark. Those who walked behind her would know by her heavy steps that she was in a sour mood, and should not be trifled with now. She sneezed, the salty air blowing across her like the plague. It irritated her, but she was on a mission and would not stop until it was finished. The shadow dame stopped, first looking towards the water, then at the expanse of land on her other side, lips curled in disgust. Who would enjoy such a scenery? Only the weak hearted, that's who. Tossing her head, she pressed on. Head low in misery as she tracked her target through this obscene land. Nose wrinkled against the smell of the sea, another foul thing to add to her list.

The devils head snapped up as the wind carried to her, the scent of another soul. A man, not far from here...but where? Unreal eyes scoured the land before her, until...there! She mad out the form of another, a white form almost blending with the scene of the sky like a cloud. Lifting her head higher, and raising to her full posture, she stalked towards the creature. She remained guarded, knowing that if he decided to attack, she would leave no room for mercy. Stopping a yard or two away, she spoke; "Now what would a pretty boy like you be doing out here by your lonesome?" She drawled, her words littered with hidden sarcasm. She had seen this type of figure before, but it was a rare sight. The last one she had seen was when she had dug her teeth into her larynx, ripping out her innards and leaving her for crow food. Yes, his red eyes indicated her very thoughts. He was an albino, a rare beauty to most...but to her, he was just like anyone else.

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