

fire and blood



8 Years
06-19-2019, 12:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2019, 10:10 PM by Hannibal.)


The Beginning. An Empire forged from the ashes of fallen Kingdoms. The Vaelnaris bloodline is of the newest to exist in the lands in which they originated. It all began when two Wolves from allied packs came together in union to lay claim to their own territory. The original pair were Aeressa Vaeltalor and Raelor Barnalys. As their first offspring were born their former names were removed and replaced with Vaelnaris. The three pups were named Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar.  This is where the lineage began.

The three pups were soon to be referred to as the promised ones from the Gods. Each with severely different pelts resembling the elements. Vhagar held dark shades of greens and bronze with beaming green eyes. Balerion was a deep crimson with obsidian tones with black eye. Meraxes was a gentle sweep of snowy white and sharp grays turning nearly black, with wisps of an icy blue beneath silver white eyes. Each pup was healthy and strong, obviously a gift from the Gods to say the least.

The Vaelnaris bloodline flourished in the lands of Terra. A mystical land with four mighty Kingdoms (Vaeltalor, Lentheos, Vaelnaris, and Barnalys) all ruling simultaneously in wavering peace. This was all until The Bloody War. This began when a Warlord from the Kingdom of Lentheos raped and murdered the Queen Aeressa (Vaeltalor) Vaelnaris. As news of this spread within Terra the four packs prepared for war. This was Vaelnaris and Barnalys against Vaeltalor and Lentheos. The war ended nearly as soon as it began. The great battle took place in the neutral riverlands between the borders of the rival kingdoms. It only ended when a Knight from the Vaelnaris Kingdom ripped King Vimarr Lentheos’ throat out as they were crossing a shallow fork in the river. This painted the water red with fresh blood, which gave the War its name. This may have been the end of the war but the Vaelnaris were  not satisfied. King Raelor Vaelnaris took the rest of his Knights and infantry to the Lentheos lands ordering the surviving Wolves to either bow down or die. Most of the proud Lentheos fought to the end but the rest, including the mothers and pups, were taken as slaves. Vaelnaris successfully conquered and engulfed the Lentheos Kingdom, claiming the lands and people as their own. Three Kingdoms remained but after The Bloody War the Barnalys and Vaeltalor Wolves swore fealty to Vaelnaris, making King Raelor the ruler of the Terra lands. Vaelnaris was no longer a Kingdom but an Empire with the lesser families beneath them.

The Demise of the Empire came as a great wildfire swept Terra into a heated wasteland. The weak did not survive and those who stayed in their dens were burnt with their folly. The great Warlords of the three royal families took the survivors into the heart of Vaelnaris territory which was surrounded by riverlands. They led days of prayers with hopes the rivers or rains would stop the fires. But, the Gods did not answer their prayers. The fires were horrible enough to leap the rivers and sweep over the dense woods of the Vaelnaris lands. At this point chaos took over Terra and there was no more room for any nobility. It was time to survive and only those strong enough did so. At this point Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar were two years of age. They followed their father but ended up getting lost in the fires and losing them, eventually finding Boreas. Hoping others would follow the three would remain nomadic for the time being. Never sleeping easy but never losing hope.

Vaelnaris Traits

Vaelnaris Wolves are primarily medium and above. Balerion was the largest Wolf to walk their lands standing at 36” anything below that is acceptable for adult Wolves. Their fur colorations are usually darker with blacks, reds, browns, and greys. Each of the three siblings are of different coloration due to being a mixture of two different bloodlines. Any younger siblings should be of similar coloration to the three siblings with either green, silver, or red eyes.

These Wolves are generally cold, militaristic, ambitious, and ruthless. If one does not prove their worth they may be lost in the fray of commoners. Above all the Vaelnaris are loyal. The blood of Vaelnaris runs thick with loyalty and pride. These Wolves do not often betray their own due to the love and respect that comes with being born into such a divine bloodline. As long as work and effort is put into the pack no one shall be mistreated. With the loss of their parents Balerion will assume the rank of King with his siblings just below him. Anyone from Terra will be required to swear fealty or be marked as a traitor.

Alignments should be anywhere from Neutral to Evil. Im fine with Good as long as it is done properly and good reason.

Addition Information of each bloodline can be found here: Link! (This is being updated with Ardent sizes and such.)

Parental Information

Aeressa Vaelnaris - A beautiful femme from the Vaeltalor bloodline, her parents were pureblood siblings of Vaeltalor. She was a truly magnificent Lady loved by all. At age 1 she was betrothed to Raelor Barnalys to connect the two reigning Kingdoms and forge a new lineage. Throughout her life Aeressa was talented in many ways, training under the Grand Healers of Vaeltalor as well as learning the history of their kind. Despite not having a place on the battlefield Aeressa had a strong mind for strategy. At age 2, the age of adulthood and fertility, she married Raelor Barnalys and became pregnant with the first litter of Vaelnaris pups. At that time the two laid claim to their own territory and started the Vaelnaris Empire. Upon birth Aeressa, with the help of a few den mothers, worshiped her children. She was a wonderful mother and protected her offspring as well as pushing them to become strong and intelligent younglings.

Raelor Vaelnaris - The first born son of the Barnalys King Visegor it was always known he would be a ruler one day, as well as being promised to Aeressa Vaelator. Raelor was blessed with a mind of strategy and strength. At a young age the male underwent harsh training to one day become as skilled as any warlord. Despite being a very strict and cold male Raelor loved Aeressa as much as any warrior could. He never took another Wife nor mistress. Often times the High Lords of Terra had many bastard litters but Raelor only had eyes for his beloved Wife. Upon the birth of his first litter Raelor treated them with gentle care and love no one else could expect from the beast. Though, he did weave ideals of worth, strength, and power into their young minds. Raelor took Balerion as his heir and paid intensive focus on the dark boy for one day he was to be the High King of the Vaelnaris name. Nevertheless Raelor treated all of his children with respect and gave them ample attention.


Aeressa Vaelnaris x Raelor Vaelnaris

Balerion Vaelnaris - Played by Kara
[Image: Balerion-table-1.jpg]
Age 3. Born in Winter. Large. Male. Lawful Evil.
Balerion was the largest Wolf to ever walk the lands of Terra.Built to conquer and burn he was named the Grand Prince of the Vaelnaris Empire. This behemoth was blessed with a mind for war, strategy, and battle. The art of destroying those that become an obstacle. With the demise of the Empire, Balerion will become the leader of the bloodline with his two siblings directly beneath him. His goals upon venturing into Boreas are to keep his siblings safe, find a proper place to settle, and to eventually make claim to a territory to regain the former strength of Vaelnaris.

Meraxes Vaelnaris - Open for Adoption!
Age 3. Born in Winter. Large. Female. True Neutral.
Meraxes is smaller than Balerion but built with a lean and athletic form. Being the only female of the three promise spawn many expected her to be a proper Princess to marry a Prince and produce Lords and Ladies for allied Kingdoms. But, it became very evident this was not Meraxes’ goal in the slightest. She was always much more interested in training her intelligence and physical stature. After moons of begging for fighting lessons her parents finally gave in. At the age of one Meraxes trained under a Warlord of Vaelnaris named Daerynx. She took to the lessons and eventually became a prized warrioress of the pack but would never be allowed to be dubbed a Knight due to her gender. This did not stop the femme from continuing her training with intent on being able to destroy any of her bloodline’s enemies. Coming to Boreas Meraxes will do everything in her power to protect her siblings.

Vhagar Vaelnaris - Open for Adoption!
Age 2. Born in Winter. Large. Male. True Neutral.
Vhagar is similar in size as his sister Meraxes but lacking the same athleticism. His two siblings took to the art of tooth and claw while he studied what the lands truly had to offer. Geography, herbs, hunt, weather, battle tactics and more. At a young age he took onto the stories of his denmother and as he grew of age the male began to explore and take in anything he could. As he came of age the young Prince took on lessons beneath the grand healers of Vaelnaris. His siblings were prone to bloodshed but Vhagar enjoyed taking a much more studious approach to things. He is often quiet rather then voicing his concerns out loud. Whispering in his siblings ears to aid in their decision making. He is their only trusted advisor and it is likely to remain that way upon arrival in Boreas. While in Boreas he will begin learning the land, exploring, collecting herbs, and hunting. Perhaps even learning the politics of the standing packs as well.


Aeressa Vaelnaris x Raelor Vaelnaris

Veraxes Vaelnaris - Taken by Xarae!
Age 2. Born in Winter. Size TBD. Female.

Vermithax Vaelnaris - Open for Adoption!
Design tbd by adopter.
Age 2. Born in Winter. Size TBD. Male.
I'd prefer him to aspire to follow in his footsteps beneath Balerion. I am open to aspirations of Knight hood, perhaps even becoming a Warlord. Loyalty is also preferred and Neutral to Evil alignments are acceptable.


Saelanyra Barnalys-Lentheos x Matamorys Lentheos
Saelanra former noble Lady of Lentheos bloodline but swore fealty to Vaelnaris in the Bloody War.
Matamorys former warlord of Lentheos bloodline died in balle in the Bloody War.

Aegon Lentheos - Open for adoption
Age 2. Born in Spring. Size TBD. Male.
Born a Lentheos but also the son of Raelor's sister Raelanor swore his undying fealty to Vaelnaris at a young age. He should hold little resentment and focus on remaining in good standings with Balerion and his siblings.

Tessarion Lentheos - Open for adoption
Age 2. Born in Spring. Size TBD. Female.
Born a Lentheos but also the daughter of Raelor's sister Raelanor swore her undying fealty to Vaelnaris at a young age. She should hold little resentment and focus on remaining in good standings with Balerion and his siblings.


Bhaenyra Gonyreos-Barnalys x Vamion Barnalys
Bhaenyra Gonyreos-Barnalys former maiden of a lesser bloodline derived from Vaeltalor married Vamion Barnalys and took his name.
Vamion Barnalys, brother to Raelor, died in the Bloody War defending High King Raelor Vaelnaris.

Rhaenys Barnalys - Open for adoption
Age 2. Born in Summer. Size TBD. Female.
Alyssa is a blank slate, perhaps a Lady with intent on marrying a Vaelnaris male at some point. Open for anything i'd say.

Other Adoptables

[]family tree[/URL]
Anyone alive is up for grabs or anyone can make their own character or bloodline from the lore provided! Cousins, slaves, Warlords, Knights, Healers, etc. Use your imagination. This can be a way to bring in a fresh character with some ties to a new family/history.

Open Vaelnaris Designs: link! Link!


Ooc name:
Character Name:
Personality: 200 words
Appearance: 100 words
Rp Sample: 200 words
Plot Ideas:

Disclaimer: After 1 ooc month of inactivity I have the right to take these characters back. I am fully willing to work with people if they let me know if something comes up!

Ive been working on this for a while as i've been away and it would be fun to bring this new family in as I come back from a bit of a rp break (I filled all my free time with reading and extra hours at work -.-). Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns. - Also I'll be working on fixing some of the weird coding errors in this post to pretty it up. I just wanna see if there is any interest here. I'd prefer if it Vhagar and Meraxes were adopted out first.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.