
I Am Most Definitely Prolly Not Ready



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
06-19-2019, 02:20 PM
She nervously stood there, tail flicking as she waited. It didn't take long though because a younger girl showed up and though her colors were simple, she was damn pretty. Not only that, but she noticed her feet...they weren't like normal canine paws, but instead looked more similar to that of a cats. She was dumbfounded for a moment, enthralled even. She had never seen that before, and didn't know such a thing existed! Of course, she didn't know rainbow wolves were a thing until Jewell came along, but this was much, much more interesting than rainbow fur!

The stranger spoke, and before Kairi could even respond the brown woman had charged. Surprise by the sudden quickness of the attempted assault, the red woman flinched back, causing Valk body slam to miss her by a hair. She did feel those claws though, when they cut shallow marks across her chest. The pain surprised her, but luckily for her, her flinching back had saved her enough that she managed to avoid serious damage...for now. Still surprised, the adrenaline started to kick in and she remembered why she was here.

And what she was supposed to do. Shaking her thoughts free, she growled and leaped forward to sort of chase Valk like they were playing a game of tag. She lunged forward, aiming to bite the woman's tail and grab a hold, while her forepaw reached forward seeking to try and trip up her opponents back legs in an effort to unbalance her or...something. She wasn't too sure what she was doing. She wasn't even sure if what her dad had taught her applied to someone with big freaky cat claws or if it was an entirely different game. Whatever the case, this was still her first real fight, and there was a 99.99999% chance she was making a total fool of herself.

Kairi vs Valkyrie for spar
Round 1/2
Size: Medium
Build: light
Fight skill: Beginner
