
And so it begins


07-18-2013, 04:43 AM
Tidus sniffed a little, shaking off the remaining water from his thick pelt. His posture held great interest in her words, the start of a new pack, a pack that maybe...he would be a part of. But he was still unsure. He hadn't explored much of this, Alacritis yet and wanted to see more before he was tied down to a single leader, or leaders...but, perhaps this would be an opportunity to get some pack experience and then set out on his own later on if he so chose. The options were endless, and if she already had followers, then maybe he should go with her and join. It's not like he had anything to lose...not yet anyway.

The young man half stood and decided, nodding in his own agreement. "Well, Vahva...if you don't mind, I would like to join you in your quest. At least until I find purpose in my life, it gets quite lonesome traveling around on my own with nowhere to go." He told her in a matter of fact tone. He would do this, it was the only thing he could do anyway. Where else would he go? He knew no one, no home, no place to go. He was a vagabond in the snowy slopes of...wherever she said this place was. A shiver went down his spine, but not enough for her to notice...this place kind of gave him the creeps, and his paws itched to walk away from here. So the sooner they left, the better. He wondered what his future held in store for him...