
it's true, i crave you


07-18-2013, 05:43 AM
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The lash of the male's tongue against his his muzzle, the almost hungry look to his gaze, the grace with which he brought his form forwards, Champion's wine colored eyes didn't miss a trick. With those orbs of hers, she tried to catch his own, wanting to mingle the shades of red in every quiver of emotion that might run through them. Of course, she didn't need to stare into the windows of his soul to see the white hot desire that was fueling his every movement. What a strange, terrible rush it gave her. Having a male so entirely fixed upon her - to be wanted - it had never happened before. Her inner reaction, however, was not one of desperate surprise, clinging to the rare attention, it was more 'well its about dang time.' The attention was most welcome, but it was not blinding. She sensed that the male was hardly in a mood to be denied. There was something in his gaze that could unsettle a less solid soul. And unlike other suitors and roving 'lovers' who spouted out compliments in return for flings, this male's every shift of bone and flesh spoke was driven. He had purpose.

His words, which came when he had brought his form a half-length from her own, were perhaps a tad vague, but they told her enough. For the most part they confirmed what she had already begun to guess at. Mainly, 'delicacies', plural, this man wanted to mate, but he was not the sort to go searching for a single life partner. But what was his game then? Did he seek a different beauty for each night and move on, like other rogues Champion had known... or was they more at play here? The sense of the unknown, perhaps even of the danger about this male, was far from repulsive. When left to her own devices and her own will, Champion was the sort that was so fearless it occasionally bordered on the suicidal. Anything for a little fun. Why live at all, if you weren't ready to accept risks and push past them?

Then it was that the ghost of a wolf came closer. One paw snaked out, nearer her own, the movement quickly tearing away a good chunk of the distance between them. Champion was experienced in the wold, and a rather mature soul, but for all that she was only two. She had only reached her full maturity the past Autumn, and had her first taste of the strange, vague desires that were nature's way of increasing the population. She hadn't understood it or liked it, and had done her best to ignore it... it was only now that she was beginning to see what it was for. The male's closeness was beginning to bring some of those feelings back - sublte and controlled, but certainly there. Champion had been a warrior all her life, and she had never shied away from the approach of another, unless it was because she was about to whip around and sink her teeth into some other bit of flesh. There was no swaying backwards as the male brought his muzzle closer, in fact, if anything, Champion seemed to lean in, and down, just a hair. She felt his hot breath upon her sensitive skin - far too hot for any ghost - and saw that shudder that rippled his fur. To her surprise, the fur along her back seemed to be doing the exact same thing. Such closeness like this with another stranger, had only ever meant fighting. Her warrior's instincts within her demanded that she tuck her chin to guard her throat, open her jaws, and plunge forward to pound his pretty pelt into the sand before he could try anything similar on her. But there were other instincts at play here; much older, stranger ones.

Champion reveled in the sensation, her own breathing becoming warmer as it escaped her pink-brown nose. The air of the two creatures was let to entwine and hover in the air about them. While they were so close, each inhale and exhale became a kiss. The giantess let her neck lower, sliding her head forward, and letting her muzzle come along side the male's ear. "Pretty words from a tempting spirit, but mortals such as I must deal in substance.-" Her voice was soft and strong and lilting, but she noticed it came out a touch raspier than she had intended. "-Surely word-craft is not your only skill?" This meeting was proving to be a promising one. Champion had never met a male with such presence and elegance - such potential for absolute speed and agility. But was that all it was; potential? Champion's own, legendary abilities had already been put on display, and now her words were a vague, open invitation to see the male's.

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