

fire and blood



7 Years
Extra large
06-20-2019, 09:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2019, 09:38 AM by Torin.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Vhagar Vaelnaris
Personality: From a young age, Vhagar was more inquisitive than ambitious. A sense of wonder for all the natural world runs deep in him, even now that he understands more than as a child, while he has never been a religious man he does hold a sort of deference for nature and all her beauty and horror. As he grew that inquisitive nature turned to other wolves and societies around him. He delved deep into political studies and relations. Perhaps that's what drove him to step back from the limelight when compared to his siblings. Or maybe he was simply more comfortable in the shadows. Let his siblings gain all the fame and acclaim they sought, Vhagar's position from birth was enough for him.

That being said his deep loyalty to his family means he is more than willing to offer his expertise to help his siblings with their ambitions. He is invested in them and their goals more than making more of his own. If he can aid them without drawing too much attention to himself, even better.

Perhaps a bit surprisingly, while he deeply loves his family, Vhagar is not emotionally very open. He bears no ill will towards most wolves but he also doesn't tend to consider their feelings much. He acts based on his whims or whatever his current project is and will often be unconcerned with the consequences unless it affects him or his family. That being said he is very affectionate and playful with his family. He tends to loosen up around them and them only, cracking jokes and even wrestling with them.

Appearance: Vhagar isn't built like his siblings, he is the smallest of them by far standing only 25" tall he isn't big by anyone's standards. The lack of similarities continues further though, while both his siblings are built with regards to battle, warriors from birth but Vhagar carries little to no bulk on his frame, there are muscles there but hardly visible. Indeed, he is wholly unremarkable in his build, neither too small nor particularly built.

Vhagar is swathed in earthy tones, the man isn't as visually impressive as his littermates but he isn't hard on the eyes by any means. The base of his coat is a deep chocolate, this color Mark's his head and neck, at his shoulders there is s strikingly distinct shift in color

Rp Sample: 200 words
Plot Ideas:

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