

fire and blood



2 Years
Dire wolf
06-20-2019, 12:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2019, 01:31 PM by Pegasus.)
Ooc name:  Fen Ben
Character Name: Vermithax


Sharp witted and sharp tongued Vermithax is an imposing figure both in battle and in matters of diplomacy and is known for rude but not entirely baseless remarks at the expense of others. Although at times he appears more foolhardy than serious he is known for being bloodthirsty in battle and using his size to his advantage. At times he can be something of a show off, mostly when he has someone he wants to impress in mind.


Flirtatious and sometimes vain Vermithax’s pride is bound to be the death of him. He is well aware of his accomplishments and all but ignores his faults as minor inconveniences. He has a hard time understanding why someone wouldn’t envy him between his royal lineage and his rakish looks, or why women would reject him if they reject him at all. Although he desires to be a great leader he lacks the discipline necessary to lead, but is not foolish enough to challenge blindly for power.


In battles, wars and hunts he is an entirely different wolf, he attacks viciously, and mercilessly, throwing all of his available strength into battle. If his commander or brother allows it he takes females by force and takes no prisoners regardless of whether or not they are innocent or helpless. He adores pups regardless of who their parents are, but is not above killing them if commanded to by his older siblings.

Appearance: Large, and tattered with scars Vermithax appears rather intimidating. His fur is mostly russet colored with cream under tones and black markings. His eyes are pale silver and his natural skin color is black, which is visible on his nose and paw pads. His shoulders are broad and are proportionate to his hips, his legs are equal to the length of his torso although his neck is thick and disproportionately short. He has three large scars on the left side of his body from escaping a grizzly bear. The lowest two scars connect on the back of his leg, just above his hock. There is a fouth scar that runs upward from his lip toward his muzzle however unlike the other three he received it from a jilted lover.
Scent- Wet, fallen, leaves and brine

Rp Sample:

Vermithax sidestepped his opponent then twisted to dive for his spine, his heart racing in his ears as the dust of the arena was kicked into the air. Around him he heard cheers of both men and women, marveling at his dexterity and strength. The wolf beneath him turned and rose, bumping their chests together while their claws battered and scratched at each other’s fur the two sets of fanged jaws gnashing at each other as they tried to grab purchase on flesh. His opponent lifted his paw to scratch at Verm’s underbelly and in that instant the red wolf knew he had won. He twisted in his opponent’s grip, throwing his weight into a shove that brought his opponent crashing to the ground. Vermithax snarled as his jaws closed around his opponent’s throat, a shrill yowl of agony escaping the other wolf before his airway was cut off. The wolf struggled then submitted, rolling into a ball and cowering as best as he could with the red wolf standing on top of him. He released his jaws but replaced the with a solid paw to the smaller wolf’s throat, an eager grin on his features as his eyes lifted to his older brother, panting and grinning with wild delight. It would be for Balerion to decide whether the other fighter lived or died, the fight had after all been in his honor. Eagerly he waited for his verdict, his tail still raised like a war banner and his similarly colored fur waving in the wind.
Plot Ideas: I'll be going for making this guy a kind of knight loyal to Balerion