
Lips Of An Angel


07-18-2013, 08:33 AM

Unlike yesterday, where she had been unable to meet his gaze for the realization that he was a monster, this morning she steadily looked back with her own azures, looking like she wished there was any, even just a sliver of emotion that would betray what he was feeling like on the inside. But of course the murderous man wasn't about to reveal that he had feelings, because murderers didn't have feelings. He couldn't be one if he did. And yet he could feel these odd things swirling around in his chest, making his throat tighten against his own will, the thought of never seeing Orica again almost unbearable. She needed to stop! Whatever the fuck she was doing to him, she needed to stop right fucking now! He didn't feel anything for anyone and she was no different! You're such a fucking liar...Who the hell do you think you can fool? This little nymph is making you soft...She's making that little Demyan inside you, the one who secretly doesn't like to kill come out but you just don't want to admit it...Quit denying it, it's not doing you any good... No. He refused to listen to his own conscious talking to him. He didn't have a conscious. It was impossible. His body was still hyped up on the pain from his extensive injuries. That was it. That had to be it. He couldn't be feeling anything for her, because then that meant that he wasn't the murderous bastard he'd always thought himself to be. No. He was. Of course he was. There was no way he was feeling anything towards this practical stranger...No way...

He swallowed several times, forcing his tightening throat to relax. Cyan gems remained tightly closed, even as the morning sun danced over his grey face, it's golden rays bringing a warmth, that if he stayed there for too long, would begin to become uncomfortable. He refused to open his eyes, to look at Orica, but he didn't need to; his ears told him everything. He could hear the gentle swishing of her large busy tail as she uncurled herself from her sleeping ball, her dainty ivory paws carrying her a little ways from him. At first he was somewhat confused, audits flickering repeatedly as he tried to locate her without opening his eyes, but he was quickly rewarded with the brushing of her fur and a shaking of her head, telling him that she was slipping on the knapsack pack thing that she'd brought with her yesterday. He expected there to be the immediate sound of delicate paw steps as the marbled girl headed back home, wherever that was, but no sound of departure came. She stayed put, only about ten yards away, doing who knows what. He wanted to open his eyes, to look into her own blue ones one last time before she left but he wouldn't allow himself to. It was ridiculous. She just needed to go. Now...Before his suddenly heroic streak decided to flare up and he asked her to stay.

Demyan. His name. One single syllable. But this time she wasn't repeating his name back to him; she was calling him. Immediately his lids snapped back, cyan gaze immediately locking with her azure one, his heart thumping heavily against his injured chest. Why did she do this to him? She shouldn't have come across him...He wasn't meant to be feeling these kinds of things. He was a murderer through and through and she belonged with her family, not a bloody monster. Will you forget about me? Her voice was such a gentle whisper, and yet he caught her question crystal clear, as if she were standing right beside him. Now that he was looking at her, he couldn't look away. Those eyes... No...Orica. I...won't forget you... Could she hear the pain in his voice? Could she hear how much effort it took him to be honest? And yet he was successful in getting the words to spill from his pale lips. What the fuck was she doing to him...She confused him beyond belief with all these strange feelings that were coiling inside of him...Demyan kept his gaze secure with hers, waiting for her to walk off into the morning, to disappear from his life forever...but not from his mind...damn his stupid fucking mind, she was going to stay in there forever...

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