
Buffalo Exchange



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-21-2019, 04:15 PM

He grinned when Korrina seemed to be in agreement, and when Thora joined them, his tail wagged for a moment as he nodded to her question. "My companion is hanging over our target," He hadn't missed Korrina's words, and she had a pretty good point there. "The goal is to get in and make the kill as quickly as possible, and it shouldn't take very long. The bull seems weak from age, his days are probably numbered so we'd be doing him a favor." The only thing they really had to be careful of was the rest of the herd, but that probably wouldn't be too hard. They were more likely to protect their own calves as opposed to a weaker member of their herd, and the more he observed, the more he noticed how the bull had already started to wander away. Was it an outcast? Maybe just lingering around the main herd and hoped to be protected? He wasn't sure, but whatever the case, they needed to act now before the rain came.

"My companion will help distract it and try to push it where we need it to go, and that's away from the rest of the herd. I doubt they'll bother us, but just keep alert just in case. I'll get it running, and make sure it doesn't get to the herd. We'll herd it towards that hill over there, so by the time we reach that it'll be too tired to try to climb. After that, one of you can make the kill." He didn't care who did it as long as it was brought down.

Taking a deep, relaxing breath, he glanced between the two. The plan was pretty simple. "Also this goes without saying, be careful of its horns. It may be old and weak but they can still be dangerous when they're frightened. And..." He thought for a moment before continuing, "Go for the legs. We might be able to get it to the ground before we even reach the hill if we do this right." Alright, that was all he could think of that the moment. He was sure they'd be able to do this quickly and easily. Nodding to the pair, he bounded down the hill towards the old bull. He would start the chase and get it going so they could finish this as quickly as possible. This task came easily to him. He considered himself a veteran hunter, after all. So at the first sign he made for his companion, the osprey dove down and screeched, talons extended as it jabbed at the left side of the bulls face.

With a startled grunt, the buffalo veered away and Cloud pursued it. He ran along its left, making his presence known as he cut and herded it away further from the herd.
