

fire and blood



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
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Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-21-2019, 09:58 PM
OOC Name: Xarae
Character Name: Veraxes Vaelnaris (Design #4)
Personality: Chaotic neutral/neutral evil

After Meraxes shucked tradition, Veraxes became her constant shadow. Her sister made it easier for females to be taken seriously as warriors, but there were still barriers to break. Teased mercilessly for following in Meraxes' footsteps, her younger sister arguably got just as much - if not more - push back. It didn't help that Veraxes was generally a worse fighter than her older sibling, which cast an uncertain shadow on both of their futures as warriors. Thoroughly embarrassed to be hindering her sister, Veraxes begged her brothers to spar with her and hold back nothing. Their training was brutal and merciless, but it created a battle-hardy female that can hold her own against much larger and stronger opponents. Veraxes still desperately looks up to her sister and longs for her approval; she feels as if she needs to make up for her childhood mishaps and is always looking for ways to prove herself.

This desperation causes her to be reckless in combat and on hunts. Instead of obeying clear orders, Veraxes will often choose high-risk strategies hoping for a big, flashy pay off. Her body is covered in scars from spars with her brothers and hunting expeditions gone rogue. Despite her scars, Veraxes is rather vain. She prizes her body and the Vaelnaris blood and strongly believes that there is a higher "destiny" for her family that will be revealed to her. Needless to say, she is incredibly superstitious. This female has a litany of rituals for luck, prosperity, and victory that are known only to her.

Appearance: 29" Medium build
At first glance, Veraxes looks as if she still bears the mark of the fire her family escaped from. Her base coat is an off grey/white, but her body is dipped in black as if she'd been wading through soot since she was born. The top of her head, back, and tail are white-grey and her underside, face, and most of her legs are nearly black. Her ears are nicked and ragged from tussles and spars gone too far. Other scars can be found across her body, but her ears are by far the most easily visible marker of her scuffles. Veraxes has grey-green eyes. Her tail and parts of her legs were badly singed from the fire. While her tail has since grown back, the hair that regrew is pure white from stress/trauma (non-genetic). The regrowth pattern is random, although in some places it almost appears like tiger striping.

RP Sample: Must circle the pond three times in the direction the sun rises and I will win all of my spars today, Vera thought, beginning her second circle around the small body of water. It hadn't rained in a while now - the water was low and it smelled murky. She couldn't see any fish under the surface. In fact, it was mostly mud. I cannot stop to look, I must complete the circle. Across the pond, she heard a heavy splash. Immediately her hackles rose to attention and she jumped headfirst into the thick water.

Veraxes churned mud as she crossed the water, her heart beating in her throat. This would be it! She'd bag whatever was stalking her and bring it back to their temporary den, and they would praise her and all would be right with the world, just as soon as she finished circling the pond... Vera stopped dead in the middle of the sludge. She'd interrupted the circle. The whole thing was ruined and her luck was shot. Cussing under her breath, she decided to investigate the noise that had distracted her anyway and headed towards the opposite shore. It was nothing, after all - just a young rabbit that must have gotten confused. She sneered down at it as it struggled in the mud. Would it even be worth the calories she'd expend executing it? Vera rolled her shoulders and quickly disposed of the pitiable thing. Nothing more than a light snack. Shit. I can do better than that. I have to do better than that.

Plot Ideas: Lots and lots of sparring with her sibs as she hones her fighting ability. I'd like her to be Meraxes shadow, depending on how her player feels about that! Vera really, really wants to prove herself, and she'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.