

fire and blood



4 Years

Treat 2019
06-22-2019, 11:21 AM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2019, 08:15 PM by Thoren.)
Ooc name: era
Character Name: Meraxes

Determined/Stubborn- Meraxes does not like being told she can't do something. Once she sets her mind to something- she sees it through and there is little that can be done to convince her otherwise. In her mind, if you aren't there to help her you can just get lost. She doesn't have time to listen to all the reasons she can't do something... Especially if it has anything to do with her gender or size. Obviously if there were real cause she would at least take a step back and rethink her decision...but that doesn't mean she is giving up, she just finds another way.

Quiet- Meraxes is not known for running her mouth and being unnecessarily talkative. She will hold conversation...when it suits her. She is far more interested in listening and watching others. During important discussions she is just as quiet until she has something to say, when she chooses to speak out it is with confidence and a measured authority. Rarely does she speak out during important discussions, when she does, she expects to be listened to.

Fierce- She is not a wolf to be trifled with. Meraxes is fierce in battle, lending no mercy to her adversaries and even during spars, her mercy is well...lacking. Regardless of size, gender and (within reason) age she will not soften her attacks. Outside of battle, she can be just as fierce. Though she isn't much of a talker, when someone can get her to speak her mind her words are usually cutting and hard, she lacks any desire to soften her words or beat around the bush. She doesn't hide the truth or soften it just for another's feelings.

Loyal- Meraxes is fiercely loyal to her family, perhaps the only thing she is loyal to. She has no tolerance for those that betray her or her family and regardless of whether they or right or wrong she will always take her families side in an argument or fight. While she doubts her brothers couldn't hold their own, she will always try to defend them either verbally or violently. That being said, once her trust is broken she is a formidable enemy and she will stop at nothing to get her revenge.

Aggressive- Meraxes,as mentioned above, is not soft and she does not take a soft stance on anything. She is a hardened warrior and it shows in the aggressive way she tends to speak and the way she carries herself. She is just as likely to settle things violently as she is to do so peacefully. She is a wolf constantly training and even this is done aggressively. For any that decide to train with her, they are sure to be in for a rigorous session and likely bruised and bleeding by the end of it.

Zero tolerance- she does not have time for whining, if someone wants to pout they definitely shouldn't come to her. She has no interest in consoling others and helping them through it. Her tolerance of pups is especially as they begin to age. She has no interest in being a mother any time soon and would really only do so if it benefited the family. Meraxes can and will lash out aggressively to those that annoy her.

Strategist – She does not just think of her move, she learns about her enemy and tries to plan out their reactions, often having multiple plans to every attack or move made. She looks at things in a unique perspective, giving her an advantage most do not have. She will hunt down weaknesses and flaws of her opponents and exploit them and she usually does so easily.

Intelligent – She is very smart; she seeks to learn from everyone with knowledge. She doesn’t have a problem admitting when she doesn’t know something- but one thing can be certain, she will find the answer by either searching herself or seeking someone knowledgeable on the subject and learning about it.

Appearance: 34" at the shoulder.
Meraxes has a face dipped in black with lighter grey accents under her eyes that stretch high on her cheeks. This color also can be seen on brow and the bridge of her nose, just not as pronounced. Her neck and chest is just as dark near her head but fades as it extends to her sides and back into the softer grey. This lighter grey dominates most of her form, though is broken up by black that extends from her belly up just past her shoulders and again on her flank. The underparts of her legs are also dipped in this rich black. At night she is a ghost, difficult to see due to the breaking of gray across her form.

Meraxes has an elegant shape, long legs wrapped in lean muscle. A face framed delicately almost speaks of tenderness, however there is a hardness to her silver eyes that says she is not to be messed with. She is not taller than her older brother, Balerion, but she is still considered a large wolf. She lacks the bulk of many warriors, but she makes up for it in agility and dexterity. Scars are scattered across her hide, though some are covered by fur, marking her as a warrior. While some may look upon her with disgust, when she gazes at her reflection she is filled with pride.

Rp Sample:
The moon rose high in the night sky bathing the rocky terrain in a pale luminous glow, even the clouds were kept at bay tonight. Jagged black shadows gave a stunning contrast for the land on this night, but among them, one moves. Black mixed with greys, a wraith among the light and shadows, she leapt forward. Muscles flexed and rippled beneath her well-kept coat, paws gripped fiercely to the stone as the figure began the climb. Jaws were hung agape, blood staining her tongue and parts of her teeth, lungs sucked in deep gulps of air with every breath. The wolf began the climb up the rocks, balancing almost expertly as she moved along.

Every so often the wolf’s stride would falter, a sign that she was injured. A low growl would rumble in her chest, fighting off the pain in her hind leg. It had been foolish, idiotic; she shouldn’t have gone after such a large prey, especially one that could- and did- fight back. She’d been forced to retreat and though the animal had long since stopped chasing her, fury burned in her limbs and propelled her forward. A couple days had passed, she had slept and hunted smaller game, allowing the wound to close tentatively- though now it had split open once more. A large boulder was up ahead, one that she rarely had trouble with- but she usually wasn’t injured either. Eyes would narrow, as once again a rumble would sound in her throat, determination could be seen in her every move. She would make this jump.

Muscles coiled as she neared the edge of her path, limbs shoved her upward forelegs outstretched while hind legs were tucked up underneath her. Chest would hit the stone first, sucking the breath from her lungs as fore paws dug at the stone for grip. Hind legs were forced to work as she tried to find purchase to help pull herself up while gasping for air. Inch by inch, she would rise, and then, her grip would falter. The elegant wolf would fall most disgracefully back to the ground several feet below. A loud thud would push what little air she had managed to grasp out from her lungs, leaving her wheezing for a moment on the ground before she slowly staggered to her paws, her injured leg held slightly up to keep her from putting her full weight on it. A loud snarl would sound once her breath was caught as she glared up at the rock and then to her leg. Damnit! She would seethe, before turning to go back to the beginning. She would do it again….until she succeeded.

Plot Ideas: