
The Search Begins



07-18-2013, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 11:52 AM by Song.)

Her pretty white head was resting against her delicate paws. The same pearly fur was a shield to the large bulge that was her womb. Song was very much pregnant. She had been stressing a bit about it only because she had not found an opportunity to tell the Sol that they were expecting. She was becoming increasingly excited, her little ones were growing at such a fast rate. Even with all of their swiftness in developing she knew that they would still be with her for quite some time. A long sorrowful sigh escaped her lips as her impatience was displayed. She just wanted her babies.
Maybe Jupiter would not be quite as busy as usual today, Song knew she needed to let the alpha know of her soon to arrive brood. With effort she rose to her paws, determined to see her alpha on that day. Where to start looking though was the question. This would be the first meeting she had with the Sol, maybe it would have been a good idea to bring her mate along. She was unsure of where the black brute was too, most of her days had been spent in her den and the common areas. Movement was starting to get to be a bit much.
She uttered another sigh and let herself start to trot off, nose searching for the faintest hints of a fresh trail. She really hoped she would be able to find her, calling out to the she wolf seemed so demanding. Song was supposed to serve Jupiter, not the other way around. So off she went, looking for the elusive alphess.
