

ft fracture



2 Years
06-22-2019, 08:00 PM
the north was more forgiving compared to the humidity down south. her coat was better suited to the cold and she blended more easily into the surroundings here. she remained close to Winterfell, not wishing to travel very far from her new house until she was more settled. with her den in the pines all hollowed out, she was left to her own devices. trekking to the other territory that Winterfell called home, she'd begin to move along the border to familiarize herself and also rub against the less than strong markers. in short, she was doing a patrol.

Heloise didn't know many wolves in Winterfell yet aside from at least three others. she'd repeat their names, the names she knew, under her breath as she walked. seeing as she found no one at the pines to join her, she was going to do it herself and hope someone else showed up. most the pack was family like Fracture said, and she felt a bit left out sometimes. of course, she didn't let this show. her expression remained neutral, almost lofty, as she walked alone. marking the edge of the frozen ship's general area, she'd move further in to explore the relic. placing her paws upward, she'd heave herself over the edge.

her claws hit metal, causing her to fumble gracelessly as she got used to it. stepping as light as possible on the deck, Heloise would wander with no direction in mind. it was only by a familiar scent did she stop, awaiting words if they came.

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag