
Steadfast [Song]

Also Former Fyri members]



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
06-22-2019, 08:43 PM
Peaceful wasn't exactly the word Kirsi would use to describe how she'd been feeling, but she was certainly growing used to the fact that Ignatius wasn't going to be returning. The wound that Ignatius's loss left her with wasn't something that was healing - no, it stung substantially less but it still had been festering, though her anger slowly shifted into something different. Something.. more indignant, more determined, and with that her need for something oddly like revenge grew stronger. But revenge for what? In what way could she possibly repay him for what he'd done? Or perhaps her betrayal was merely lessened by his own..

Either way, Song was a welcome distraction, and she was growing rather fond of his presence. Soon they would go to where Acere had begun to grow his own pack - she didn't know anything about him, or his ideals, and pledging allegiance to someone she didn't align perfectly well with didn't settle well with her.. but it was a temporary plan at best. Being surrounded by others would help orient her, she was certain, and not knowing where she was going now made deciding her next step quite difficult.

She'd been lounging near the boulder Song was lying down on, dozing in and out of consciousness every so often. The day was a pleasantly warm one, and she was content to lounge around with the sun at its peak, filtering sparsely through the trees overhead. She stretched her forepaws out as a yawn gripped her, though before long she was pulling herself upright and following after Song, curious as to who had called for him. Valhalla's leader, he explained - and as they moved to close the distance that lay between the two of them and Aurielle, she let a barely-visible smile touch her lips. Despite the vaguely polite expression, her eyes were icy cold, no sign of warmth visible in those bright blue orbs. "Kirsi," she introduced herself succinctly, before reclining and seeing what the two of them were about to speak about.