
Asante sana Squash banana



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-22-2019, 09:11 PM
Pyrrhic was quiet as he watched Sarabi look Iroh over. He hadn't interacted with her much but she struck him as the kind of stoic individual who would be good for Iroh. Benkos had assured him that she was the best and that he couldn't think of a better match.

Iroh looked a little uncomfortable as Sarabi checked him all over. As Pyrrhic had found out quite quickly, there was no place for embarrassment in Kabanga. The mandrills weren't shy. They groomed one another, bathed, relieved themselves, they even mated out in the open with no regard for whose shoulder they were brushing up against or for what naive young eyes were watching. The only thing he hadn't seen was one giving birth even though he knew many had been born since he'd befriended Benkos.

It had been explained to him that what he was seeing was life. Everyone did all the things he'd seen and heard, so why hide them unless there was an advantage?

The boy's discomfort seemed to grow as Sarabi took a look at his undercarriage. Pyrrhic very nearly took pity on him and called the mandrill off, but he decided against it at the last second and held his tongue. Perhaps later he'd take Iroh aside and prep him a little bit for what he was in store for. Not only was the horde without modesty, but they could be downright savage with one another, especially to the newly captured mandrills.

"He'll do." she said after completing her inspection. Iroh still seemed a little unsure of the situation so Pyrrhic offered him a smile. "Her approval is a difficult thing to earn." To Sarabi, he said, "Prepare him well. He's going to do great things when he grows up."

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.