
A lesson from the Devil.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-23-2019, 05:31 PM


Tsarvix was glad that the Abraxas accepted his subject change, and he greedily latched onto the subject of crafting. "Split it in half?" He questioned, frowning at the stick in confusion. "What does that accomplish?" Pictures of the stick with it's end mangled in different ways bubbled up in his mind, and none of the potential designs seemed to be combat-worthy. He gave Pyrrhic a questioning look, then ran his paw along the smoothed tip of his spear. So far, the yearling proved an excellent teacher. Tsarvix was sure he'd be enlightened by whatever direction this stick-splitting took. Pyrrhic demonstrated, and he decided to watch to see the finished step before attempting it himself.

Pyrrhic did not allow him to forget his outburst for long, however. Tsarvix's ears pinned once more to his skull as he spoke once more. "Don't look so defeated, Tsarvix." A very small part of him wanted to glare up at the godling in response, but he wasn't quite rebellious enough to consider it seriously. Instead he grunted softly in acknowledgement, unwilling to let go of his shame. "The future is promising. Someday soon you and I will be immortal. We will look back at this time of preparing and it will seem so small and faraway." At his words, Tsarvix's ears perked sharply and his head shot up from Pyrrhic's stick to his face. "You and I?" His world was rocked, and he couldn't help his tail from wagging through the dirt behind him. For a moment he struggled with words and only looked on at his God with elation.

"Really?" He'd meant his words to be more collected and articulate, but they stumbled out of him with little thought or regard. "How? I don't understand. You can turn a moral into an immortal?" The excitement flooded through him. This was amazing! Surely Pyrrhic would only grant such favors to the truly devout and worthy, however. This much Tsarvix was convinced. So he tore his brightened eyes from the man's face to redirect his energy into gnawing the stick exactly like his deity had shown him, sawing at it with his jaws the way Pyrrhic had.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.