
don't try to fix me i'm not broken


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-23-2019, 08:44 PM
Alright, now he was sure that he couldn’t go on any further, but there was still one more item on his list. He still hadn’t slept since the fire a day and a half ago, he’d been on his feet most of the time. Helping where he was needed, and a few uncomfortable meetings. Both facts were shoved from his mind as he sought out the den he’d left Samara in. He’d seen to her a little bit after the fire, and there had been another healer or two that had checked in on her he made sure, but no one had yet to see her awake.

A zombie on paws the slate alpha wriggled into the entrance after just a bit of a struggle. The scent of fresh herbs overpowered the smell of soot and ash. For that he was thankful. Even if he’d been physically able to stand at his full height in the small den Rhyme wouldn’t have been able to. As he emerged into the main area his body refused his commands and he slumped to the floor beside the tiny she wolf.

He sighed heavily, sure that she was alive but unable to make much more of an assessment. He sighed heavily as he tried to return to his feet. He had to finish here, and go back and den with the pups. Who knew how they were feeling at this point. ”Samara?” He asked softly, wanting her to remain asleep if she was, but if she’d regained consciousness he’d like to make sure she was comfortable. He had been trying to keep his distance, she encompassed all that made him weak, but with the fire… Rhyme had been drawn to her, and knowing she was injured caused him more distress than he wanted to admit even to himself.