


07-18-2013, 02:03 PM

A growl rumbled from his trachea, threatening and low. This woman was ruining quite possibly the most important moment he had ever faced in his life with her spiteful moans and groans. Sterling eyes were blazing with loathing as the woman said her piece and vanished from the scene. Oh how she would pay if he ever saw her again. As he looked back a third pup had graced the earth, gender unknown - but beautiful nonetheless. Almost robotically he picked the child up in his teeth, setting it at it's mother's breast after having carefully cleaned it off. Eyes narrowed to determine the gender, finding this to be a female as well. "Another girl," he proclaimed. Jupiter's question rang out, referring to the first girl. "Of course." Sterling eyes examined the daughter now called Aegira, before sweeping to the son. "What about Oberon, for the boy?" He'd heard the name somewhere and had always fancied it. Who knew one day he would be giving it to his son - his only son. Feeling confident there were no more children for her to birth, Marvel twisted into a lying position, using his body to shield the pups from anyone who might arrive. Protectiveness had never been in his nature, but it seemed children had a way of changing those sort of things about a man. Besides, if the foul woman from before came back, he would be damn sure she didn't get close to his children.