
the times they are a-changing

ft torin, others, etc



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
06-23-2019, 09:44 PM

Ears perked when she heard the stranger repeat back the name. Yeah, duh. She just said it didn't she? Maybe his memory sucked and he needed to repeat it for his own sake, whatever the case. He was silent for a while after that before evidently cutting straight to the chase. He was here to join. Lirim. That was his business and she should have guessed. Why else would a loner approach the borders? Though she was of no rank to accept new members into the pack, she hoped Torin would be here soon. As far as she knew, he was the only member in the pack that could accept anyone. She didn't mind but at the same time she did. What with his new family coming into the world soon, she was sure he would appreciate some help so he could focus on them. But that wasn't something she would discuss, it wasn't really her forte. She would help where she could and bug her brother to accept others when they came.

"My name is Holland and my trade is a healer." A healer huh? Well the pack could certainly use one or two or a few of those. The only healers she knew they had up and disappeared a while back, and she was vaguely aware that one or two of her kids was interested in the role but nobody really knew anything to teach them. The other healers passed away recently, so they didn't have anyone to teach them anything let alone handle things if something happened that required the skills of a healer. "A healer huh? Well I'm sure my brother will be happy to hear that," Speaking of which, her attention turned away from Holland for a moment as her brother approached. He stood by her as he spoke, her attention returning to Mr. Serious again. "And I'm Kairi, he can accept you. Probably." Her lips turned up in the slyest of grins. It wasn't often she got to tease a stranger looking to join.

Walk, "Talk" Think
