
The Search Begins


07-18-2013, 02:12 PM

Song had discussed with him about having to speak with the alphaess, or the Sol as she called the queen named Jupiter. Cherokee was all for it, though he seemed rather confused about the whole situation. Did the packs around here make it custom to inform their leaders if they were expecting? It didn't seem like too much to ask, more like respectful even. Figuring that his wife knew best, the obsidian man went right along with it, agreeing that that morning they would out to seek Jupiter and tell her of their good news. Since having never the queen himself, the man had decided that in order to make a good impression, or at least he hoped it would, he'd set out on a small hunting expedition, hoping to catch a hare and present to the queen once they met. His hunt had been successful, more so since he jogged with two limp bodies hanging from his jaws. One for the queen, and one for his pregnant wife. She needed to eat two. Obsidian and ivory paws carried the large brute back towards their denning area, noticing that Song's figure as gone. A frown creased his brows. He was sure he'd told her to wait for him to return. Well, she could be somewhat impatient at times. Dropping one of the hares at the back of the den, the man brought back the one, setting off to find his little dove.

Muzzle was to the wind, dark nasals flaring as he hunted for Song's scent. It wasn't too hard to find after all; her pregnancy made it hard to miss. Mismatched gaze across the figure of his lovely wife, a muffled woof reaching out across the expanse as he trotted up beside her, nuzzling her neck affectionately. Impashien mush? Came his muffled question, a teasing laugh rumbling in his chest.

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