
overgrown wolf meet overgrown house cat


06-24-2019, 12:23 AM

If we're gonna walk,

Morning was barely settling on the horizon as the very large cat moved about the land. He was ambling, with not a direction or destination in mind. A grace was about him though even as he moved slowly. The male was well aware of the scents in the distance, the pungent scent of piss was hard to miss. He had yet to come across a border yet though so he needn't stop just yet. Though the gentle giant wouldn't mind a good intelligent conversation he supposed.

He was well aware of how canines and their social structure worked, borders were a keep out sign. The scent of one though he knew could be very much so overwhelming if it was a healthy pack. From the scent of this one from such a distance it was definitely one of them. Might as well check where it laid though so he may know the hunting grounds he may occupy outside of said pack. He turned in the direction of the pack and made for the place. His large paws left deep pug marks behind from his mere weight. He was after all a cat of over six hundred pounds. His emerald eyes were clear and settled on the land ahead as he came to a slow stop before the border. He opened his mouth, bringing the scents along his tongue before leaning down to scent the line.

One could always tell alot from a scent mark. This one shared two, and he worked at unraveling them both. One was female, the other male. A pair led this pack then. He could tell there were pups here as well from the scent on both, inter tangled with stale, very stale, milk scent. They seemed all in good health from the scent then. He stood then and nodded to himself. He'd commit the scents to memory for future use if they came across each other. He glanced to a tree on their border. It would only be polite to give them some information about himself wouldn't it? Not that they may have a grand opinion on tigers. He moved and rubbed his face upon its bark, marking his scent on the rogue side of their border for them. he wouldn't dare piss on the tree though. Wasn't his territory so there was no need anyway. After that was done he began moving along, his tail curled at the end, the white flashing so his presence might not alarm any prey in the area. He had no need to hunt right now anyway.

He was silent though so as to not alert anything as he moved along the border, looking for where it lay completely. He was careful to never set foot beyond the border though, only stopping here and there to sniff at it to ensure it was marked by the same two where he went.

We walk as lions
