
takin a stroll

all lirim welcome



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
06-24-2019, 11:43 AM
Ever the busybody that she was, Kairi ventured the pack lands as she was on her way out to go do what she did best. Explore the lands beyond the lines and see if anything had changed throughout the course of the season. She was sure it had, but with the weather being all crazy in some places, she wondered what had changed. Or maybe she could find some little knick knacks that had gotten uncovered from the frequent storms. Her tail waved like a banner in the air and her posture was assertive as she bounced along. She had gotten significantly more sure of herself, confident even. Not so much with her fighting skills though...gods knew she needed alot more work with that.

As the babe moved along she spotted a figure out of the corner of her eye and when she turned her attention that way she noticed the woman that had trespassed not too long ago. Kairi had been avoiding her for the simple fact that she wasn't sure how to apologize, but then again...should she even apologize to her? She was the one that trespassed after all, and the warrioress was simply doing her job. She was about to continue on her way until she saw yet another figure, this one more recognizable and somewhat familiar to her.

With a grin, she diverted her path and decided to go and see what the two were up to, or if they weren't up to anything maybe she would just decide to be nosy. She held no ill will towards the woman, but Rags didn't know that now did she? With a grin and a mischievous look, she approached Holland and bounded up alongside him but left a couple feet between them. "Heya Holly, it's okay if I call you that right?" She wasn't if he liked it, but the name sounded fine to her. She glanced to Rags then, her smirk widening, "Hey you, what's up?"
