
my momma done told me



07-18-2013, 02:26 PM


(ooc: timing is supposed to be right after 'Lips of an Angel' and just before the family moves)

Orica, with her moss riddled knapsack over her shoulders, and her eyes bright as dewdrops, skipped along through the foothills. She was home again, and she'd made it past the border without being seen. (Though...she knew that she was likely enough to get in trouble at some point) Who knew, maybe she'd get lucky. Maybe her parents would assume she was with one of her siblings or cousins, maybe they'd figure she was just exploring another corner of the mountain and had spent the night out there. After all, she was almost ten months old now. Soon enough she'd be an independent adult - or something like that. And honestly, after the misadventure she'd just come through, she wasn't eager to avoid her parents. In fact, she wanted to see them. Or maybe just her mother. Orica wanted to speak to her mom. Her little white paws were pushed into a lope, gently pushing against the ground as she sought out the game trails that would lead her up the mountain more quickly.

Her mind kept going back over the events of the day before - and of early this morning. It had been... exciting turned scary, turned terrifying, turned .... well she didn't know, maybe nice. She'd been so caught up in the effect their meeting was having on the male, that she hadn't stopped to think about what it was doing to her. Well it had taught her a couple of things: one, that going out on her own wasn't a great idea. Two, crazy killers were alot more common than she would've supposed. Three, this was exactly what she wanted to do with her life. Healing! She was meant to be a medic! Of course she would want to help and care for others no matter what path she took, but when she was healing... it was just... more her. It was her calling. It didn't matter what other craziness was going on, she could focus and be useful and get things done. Purpose. It was a wonderful thing to have.

So, in the end, she'd come away with some pretty important answers. But still alot of unanswered questions. That was the main reason she wanted to find her mom. Orica, reaching the crest of a foothill, caught onto a trace of her mother's scent. She had to be around here somewhere. The little girl let out a high, sharp howl, craning her head farther and farther back in the noontide sun.
