
a ship with no sails


07-18-2013, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2013, 12:10 PM by Jupiter I.)


A purr rumbled out of the beauty's chest as a stray snowflake danced through the air and saw fit to land upon the tip of her nose. "Well aren't you a beauty?" she murmured absently. A flick of a rough pink tongue and it was gone. Silverback resumed her observations of the world about her. The softly falling snow seemed to muffle every possible sound - even the lull of the ocean waves below. Silverback was alone in the silence at the top of the world. The great pillar of frozen water and snow that crowned this land, was just off to her left and slightly behind her. The feline's massive paws were planted at the edge of the ice cliffs. So close was she to the edge that when her chest swelled, it hovered over the empty air. But she was of mountain stock - ever since the birth of her species. She had chased sheep up and down cliffs that others would've sworn only birds could reach. That was what it meant to be snowcat, it was a gift, but lately... it had become a burden too. Silverback was one of a dying kind. Outside of her now dead parents and siblings, she had never seen another of her breed. For all she knew she was the last leopard.

That was what had driven her to the leave the hard won boundaries of her territories - to forsake her peaks and foothills and rock ledges and seek the other corners of the world. Her pawsteps could wind a trail over miles and miles of unmapped snowfeilds and tundra, but as of yet she had found nothing. Nothing. The world rechoed in her mind, the only sound in all of the silent land. She was sick of nothing. Loneliness was annoying. She'd been independent all her life -and intended to remain so for all of her days, but she could still find pleasure in the words of another. These days she was feeling so conversation deprived she'd even accept the company of a wolf.
