
Creative Skill Prompt Title!




8 Years

Treat 2019
06-25-2019, 07:15 PM
Eisleif had felt her joints going stiff and her muscles begin to atrophy. Hymn had surely gotten her blood flowing, but she craved the promise that Valkyrie had offered her. She knew their destiny was on the horizon and she tried to be patient. When she was asked to come along on the scouting trip she hadn’t hesitated in the least. The trip had been anything but easy, but she had never claimed or wished for an easy way in life.

Now though, the older viking leaned back to relax. Rest was a necessity, and she took no embarrassment in reveling in it. A heavy sigh left her, but her ears continued to swivel. She may have relaxed but she was never totally unaware. She heard claws on bark and assumed the noise was her niece. Her stump of a tail wagged at her silver hips as birds sang and the sun reached its zenith. The light dappled the striped she wolf as she practiced a bit of breathing meditation she had picked up.

Until she heard the warning bark. First the woman was frustrated at being caught unawares. They should have scouted the area better before she allowed herself to relax. Two, she was upset she was missing out on some much needed relaxation. However, her battle hardened form was quick to react and she was at Valkyrie’s shoulder. Eisleif mirrored her niece’s movements and kept herself fluid enough that she wouldn’t get in the younger Finnvi’s way and Valk wouldn’t get into her way.

Their opponent was a huge tom jaguar. Eisleif felt her lips pull up in a snarl, unsure if it was about to attack or not. While she might have enjoyed the thrill the risk they were about to face was great. Its claws were incredibly sharp and its bite force even more intimidating. Despite its shorter stance the cat was thick with muscle. It had the strength of more than two wolves. Hackles raised as her tiny tail lashed at the fluffy fur of her thighs. Despite the danger she still felt a smile lingering on her lips, there had always been a love for danger in the woman’s life. Another chance to bond over a fight with her niece as well.

Eventually she let herself move away from Valkyrie, so there was enough space between them for at least two jaguars nose to tail. If it did decide to attack there would be blood all around.
