
coyote ugly



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-26-2019, 10:41 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2019, 05:02 PM by Twig.)
Twig’s delicate paws brought her forth from Abaven’s borders, the first time since Allegro had saved her that day. Bright purple eyes took in her surroundings as she disturbed the morning dew. With Fall coming the weather hadn’t been quite as dry as before the fire. Images of flames still haunted her despite her lack of injuries. She shook them from her mind and allowed herself to immerse her focus in the scenery around her.

The day was early, the sun barely peeked over the horizon as Twig found her way over the plains area. She already spooked more than a few rabbits from their morning snack. The presence of deer, which species she wasn’t sure, was also obvious in the tracks and fresh droppings left behind. She must have spooked them without knowing it. She lifted her striped features from the ground and continued on, still debating if she was going to attempt a hunt or just allow this to be a scouting mission. The pack had much need of food, and if she could track a herd or two maybe they could organize a bigger kill.

Unintentionally getting wrapped up in her own thoughts, Twig was unaware of the creature she was about to spook. Her pale form reflected the pink light that the early morning sun cast upon the clouds that littered the sky. She was oblivious to her actions, her paws disturbed the sleeping cubs in a den of coyotes beneath. The pups caused the adults to awake, sure the deer herd was about to descend upon them. Their attention quickly turned to Twig as they emerged from the den quietly. Twig was alerted by their yip like calls, her form froze as her eyes widened. Five coyotes were suddenly after her.

Without much thought she leaped in the opposite direction and started to run as fast as her striped legs might carry her. She had one thought: return to Abaven. Her heart raced and adrenaline rushed through her veins as she raced for her life.

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