
A Divine Glow




2 Years

Treat 2019
06-26-2019, 03:40 PM


Tsarvix hummed thoughtfully as Archon spoke, nodding at the appropriate times and trying his best to play the role of questioning moral with no further motives. Inwardly, he was disappointed. He'd hoped to pull from this brother of Malleus some way in which he could validate his own thoughts on his Faith. Unfortunately, this male seemed to be even more devout then Malleus if that were possible. It didn't seem likely that he would get any information from Archon that was free to interpret.

"I see." He responded vaguely, bothering the sand below him with a claw as he thought. "That's very good information, thank you for sharing it with me. I still have much to learn." It hurt Tsarvix to hear that he might be lacking in respect, and his stomach churned uncomfortably. If that was truly was how Malleus might feel, he'd need to change his ways. He did *respect* the Emperor and the other Abraxas members, he just didn't feel the need to give his wholehearted to-the-death allegiance. That part of him was reserved for Pyrrhic alone, and while Tsarvix did not feel guilty for swearing himself to the heir he did not wish to appear disrespectful to any of Pyrrhic's family.

"Pyrrhic has done my lessons up until this point, but he's very busy in Risen." He said suddenly, looking to the large male with hopeful eyes. "If you wouldn't mind, was there anything he missed in the story? Is there more to learn of Abraxas?" In truth, Tsarvix still had *many* questions, ones that didn't skirt the line of his altered beliefs. "For example... the God's name is supposedly Abraxas, but Pyrrhic and Malleus - and you? - seem to hold it as a family name. How can you differentiate between naming our God Abraxas and his Abraxas bloodlines?" His head swarmed with more to ask, but he opted to ask one at a time to not seem overeager.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.