
hopeless wanderer

ft bal



3 Years
06-27-2019, 10:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2019, 11:00 AM by Desdemona.)

she entered this realm from the north, traveling south as she went. the young woman was without complaint - at least much of them - despite the cold air shooting through her body. she resisted shivering like a fool; a lady does not show weakness after all. with the coming autumn, Desdemona was adament going south. she only hoped this land was more humid down there. she couldn't stand the cold due to her thin coat. she had gone around the pines, starting from the icefields. it wasn't how she wanted to come, and she was ashamed to have said she got lost. though nobody would know. or so she hoped.

attempting to place her weary paws forward, the woman would pretend like she knew what she was doing. with her goal southward, she'd keep moving. past the structure of unknown origins, past the walled area. she had come from the woodlands and now was in the open. she felt naked, open to any danger that had half a mind to harass her. it wasn't like she had the means to defend herself. Desdemona once had guards, acting as her protectors. but now she was alone. and alone made for easier pickings. acutely aware of this, she tried to keep to the shadows of the wall as she made her way.

a dull path snaked before her, worn down by the many paws of whatever made its home here. she'd pause by an intersection, seeing the mountains from her angle and a clear area in the distance. she didn't know it, but that was what the natives called the Battlefield. without a second thought, she moved south, unaware she maybe was being watched.

(ooc: backdated to before auster)
