
hopeless wanderer

ft bal



5 Years
06-27-2019, 02:46 PM

The Vaelnaris were no strangers to arranged marriages. Balerion likely would have been married off to some beautiful Princess of Vaelator or Barnalys by now. They were fond of pairing to noble born Wolves to combine and secure alliances between the four mighty bloodlines. But, if parents wished they would also marry their offspring within the bloodline to keep it pure. This was very common with the Vaelator which was his mother's bloodline. Incest was not taboo within their realm but he knew it was deemed a horrific crime in some lands. Nonetheless, judgement fell on deaf ears when it came to Balerion.

To be married to a brute.. It sounded unpleasant to say the least but to run from a marriage it must have been bad. A nod could be seen form the male before his jaws parted once again, "To lose such a fine Lady.. he must have been a fool." His words were tempered with a booming gruff while remaining cool. He was able to play the game of small talk, silvery slippery tongues, and flowery tones.

Desdemona's next question caused Balerion's mind to flick through a slideshow of his past. The fires creeping in on their home and clutching many in it's path. The smoke seeped into the elderly and youth's lungs to give them a slow death while others got caught in the flames themselves. His father was engulfed while trying to save a woman and her pups. A Wolves fur is as flammable as dry leaves. Many died that day and Balerion witnessed it all. Thus, a small grimace could be seen as he stood straight once again. "A fire swept through my pack and destroyed our lands." He spared the grim details, "Thus, I am here to start a new." To rise and conquer these inferior nations. Black eyes poured into her honey pools as his lips formed a fine line and nostrils flared ever so slightly. "Does the fleeing bride have any plans upon arriving to these strange lands?" Inky lips turned upward ever so slightly to expose ivory fangs in a devious smirk. Hinting at only a mild layer of amusement and perhaps playing at his own charms to match hers. The beast was capable of honey despite his cold demeanor.
