
I'll Take One Drowned Rat To Go, Please



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-28-2019, 06:12 PM

Had he not been so scared Valentine would have been furious. The only reason he had been so far away from the boy was because the goddamn leopard who insisted on following his son around had been glued to Tyrian's side. He'd thought she'd been up to the task of minding one small child. Hell, he watched three no problem.

Valentine ran along the bank frantically sweeping his gaze from the water to land and back again as he looked for his boy. He was afraid of what he might find, but too scared not to look as though his own life depended on it. The memory of his son disappearing below the water's surface played over and over in his mind. He could see Tyrian's flailing paws as they slipped under as vividly as he saw the ground in front of him.

"Over here!" Upon hearing those words Valentine's heart leaped into his throat. He ran flat out as fast as his legs could carry him in Tyrian's direction. Vines and tangles of grasses battered him as he plowed through the swamp, but he neither felt nor saw them. He could think of nothing else but the boy.

And there he was. A bubble of relief exploded in his chest. Seeing Tyrian, muddy and bedraggled as he was, lifted a weight off his shoulders. Valentine rushed to the boy, blind to his surroundings, and enveloped Tyrian in a hug. "Ah, kid. You scared the shit outta me. You trying to give me a heart attack, is that it?"  he said in a relieved voice.

A scent, strong and out of place, jerked Valentine out of the fog he was in. He looked up sharply and his eyes settled on Rhyme with no small amount of surprise. "Rhyme?" he said incredulously. It wasn't meant to be a question - clearly it was Rhyme - but it came out sounding like one anyway.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.