
I remember falling



3 Years
06-28-2019, 10:08 PM
Sulfur permeated the brute's nostrils as his eyes shifted from side-to-side. This place was unique, however, it's appearance had yet to be desired as the brute huffed slightly. Where was he planning on heading? The male hadn't a single idea. He was a Casanova and preferred that way of life over everything else. His eyes remained distant, focusing on nothing out of the ordinary as he kept his vision neutral. Though this was not an ideal place for a fight, surely there could be someone who didn't think his presence would be appreciated.
How he wished fresh air would come his way, the lingering smell of the place was making him feel rather nauseous. As to why, the brute hadn't a single idea. The places he visited before were full of beauty and elegance, something he could remember. But, this would surely be a different memory, and the only place he would come to if he was the utmost desperate.

But, before long, his eyes happened to wander to someone eyeing the warm pulls in what seemed to be interest. Despite warmth and helping limbs, what other uses could it possess? She didn't seem to be in kind of its use as she was walking away from the lingering pools. His eyes raised slightly in interest as a devious smirk spread across his maw. Sure, he would be considered the village idiot to some, but, he enjoyed playing games with anyone he could, and perhaps the wolf before him might be an easy target perhaps?

Karden sauntered over to her, eyeing her slightly with interest and curiosity. "What brings you to a place such as this? If not to ease your limbs, what else is there for you here?" He spoke, his voice calm and collected as he kept his main focus on the girl in front of him.