
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe


07-18-2013, 09:26 PM

?A few days ago..I?d guess.? He tells her, thinking back to the first day he wondered onto Alacritis soil, taking the time to asset her background as well. It seemed the place was pretty stable, giving the fact that her parents had brought her here, but, she hadn?t gone into much detail as he kinda suspected. The man could easily tell that she was hiding a few key points, of course, he wasn?t going to press his luck and pry into her personal business, he should be grateful that she was honest enough to give him what he expected to be the truth. Even so, he still had many more question to ask, what where her parents like? Siblings? Where they annoying like all the older ones claimed? It would do no good for him to know these thing when making his ways through the wild outside world, still, he felt it was something he could survive knowing. The pack he was taking in to wouldn?t even account for neighbors, and still he hoped that all families weren?t as cruel as they had been for years. The rogue would be an respectful outsider awaiting for them to form a stronger bound, before, he seeking out more history she was refusing to share.

Twisting his limbs to follow her on her invisible trail to this brute she seemed so eager to find. Bright red eyes still surveying for sight of the man she was hunting, until, the pale woman voiced her thoughts once more, he?d nearly stopped in his tracks. Gaze quick to focus at the girl ahead of him ?Assassin?? The rogue repeats still at a lost, as if he hadn?t heard the first time, the gears where slow beginning to turn, realizing that she - Alena - was doing all of this to bring some male to his death - hopefully anyways - he wasn?t going to question her skills. Perhaps at the far end of his mind he felt that this was kind of cool, he had made friends with a calculating murder, but still, at least she was justified in her acts, instead of killing for kicks as he was to naive to admit there where those so twisted. Not all to sure on how he should respond he voiced an meekly ?alright? still hesitant to be too loud, after-all the job was secretive as far as he knew, ?I can respect that..? Finally interrupting silence that had loomed over them, taking a moment to change subject a little ways so the air wasn?t so heavy, ?I?ll just stay here, while.. you er..finish?? Crimzen had no desire to witness a killing, nor was he in the least bit prepared to get involved, chuckling a little realizing that his last sentence may have sounded a bit uneasy, still a tad phased by her confession.
