
Euloxide [2/4 open]

Eulogy x oxide babies



4 Years

Treat 2019
06-30-2019, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2019, 08:55 PM by Thoren.)
Name: Spirit Destruction

Sex: male

Alignment: good

Height/Build: 36" medium build

Appearance: First choice- design 6.
Spirit is predominantly a mix of dark colors with bold white mixed in. A face of black is marred on his left side by a jagged streak of white that flows all the way down the side of his neck, stretching across his shoulder and down to his left toes. His nails on this leg are white. His right limb is dipped in a deep black on the inside...however, on the outside it is white fading to brown as it lifts onto his shoulder and back. A touch of white brushes over his back and upper rib cage on the right, and is much thicker and heavier on the left. The brown and black continues to mingle through his flank to his limb on the right, the inside is white, but is once more broken by an interesting splotch of white that stretches from hip down into his hind leg. His tail is black, except for the tip, which is white. Eyes are a piercing blue hue.

Build wise, Spirit is neither the largest nor the smallest. He is 'average' in height and build with moderately defined muscles in his shoulders and flank and an even covering across his ribs. His limbs do not appear to long for his body, he will fill out well once mature...until then...he will appear gangly and lanky.

Second choice- design 1.

Spirit is predominantly a white color with brown streaking here and there and a partial mask. His face seems split right down the middle with one side being a startling white while the other side is a deep dark brownish black. This color, engulfs his ear and then comes to a sudden stop, giving way to the brilliant white that covers nearly all of his body. The brown once again makes an appearance on his shoulder, stretching down to his toes and darkening to black as it does. This brownish black can also be seen smeared across his back and upper ribcage- but only on the right side. This smeared, peppered look continues all the way to his tail tip. On his right hind leg he has two dabs of black, both on the inside and outside. His eyes are a piercing blue.

Build wise, Spirit is neither the largest nor the smallest. He is 'average' in height and build with moderately defined muscles in his shoulders and flank and an even covering across his ribs. His limbs do not appear to long for his body, he will fill out well once mature...until then...he will appear gangly and lanky.

Personality: Terrified- He is terrified of nearly everything as a pup, he is overly cautious and even the smallest things can frighten him and send him running for the hills…or back to momma. His fears are mostly in his head, seeing things much darker than what they really are and it something that as he matures he will hopefully grow out of.

Determined- Despite being terrified of everything he is quite determined…that fear just gets in the way at times. His determination will be a driving factor in his maturity and conquering his fears. He doesn’t like to give up and if he can find a way around a fear, he will give it his all. He has heart, he just has a few road blocks.

Ashamed- He is quite ashamed at how terrified of things he is, small jabs at him go a long way in breaking what little self esteem he has. He hates that he acts like a coward and wants nothing more than to prove everyone wrong- even himself.

Loving- He has a soft spot for others, he wants to help those around him. He is kind and willing to help someone through a rough time in any way he can and if he can assist in doing something (provided it doesn’t scare the hell out of him) he will do it.

Plot Ideas:
He will largely be developed through ic interactions...though I would like him to go on an adventure where he tries to conquer his fears.