
Just doing what I can




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-30-2019, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 07:53 AM by Corvus.)

So Cannival was her name, and she was.. granted sanctuary here? Corvus couldn't help but wonder what precisely that entailed, but he wasn't going to bother asking about that right now. Maybe that was a question best left for another time, if she bothered staying here at all. He offered a faint, only slightly-forced laugh to her comment about how others generally reacted to her. "I'm not really one to growl. Or.. run, currently," he added with a slow, weak smile. He'd seen quite a few weird things these last few months, from his cousin randomly disappearing only to show up pregnant - to learning that the leaders of Abaven, two family members, apparently had been.. intimate. The thought even now almost made him cringe - though all the weirdness of his life made a feline inhabiting Abaven somehow less strange.

It could've been worse, though, she was right. Things could always be worse. That was something he reminded himself of quite often, which tended to make him feel more dreary rather than optimistic. "Indeed," he breathed with a faint sigh, and nodded slowly in acknowledgement. Slowly he moved to recline backwards, onto his haunches - though lying down on his side would probably be the most comfortable, he was still wary around her and wasn't willing to make himself completely vulnerable. Not yet, at least. And.. especially not when she was looking at him like she didn't believe a word he was saying, or maybe that was just his cynical mind playing tricks on him again. Corvus knew he might have to come up with an explanation to Shaye, or maybe Rhyme, but he didn't feel he owed one to her. Not at all, and so he didn't bother to elaborate.

"No worries. I'm doing better. Just.. trying to stay off my paws. I think that'll do it," he explained with a shrug. His injuries weren't severe after a few days of rest, not enough to warrant attention from a healer. The latter comment was enough to draw his attention back to Cannival, gaze snapping toward her as though he expected her to say more - but she didn't. Was it obvious he felt that way? He hadn't meant for it to be outwardly noticeable, but apparently she knew.. and regardless of what he thought of her, he certainly couldn't say she was stupid or lacked perception. "Yeah. I guess not," added with a soft sigh. The comment had been presumptuous enough that he reasoned with himself that he could ask the question that was burning in the back of his mind, even if it seemed somewhat abrasive. "So, how'd you come to Abaven, anyway? You said you've been allowed.. sanctuary?" Corvus couldn't help feeling uncertain of her and how she'd ended up here, but he'd hear her out if she decided to answer him truthfully.