
As we roll down this unfamiliar road



07-18-2013, 09:54 PM

He had been patrolling, still floating on the happiness from his daughter coming to him. He fully intended to spend time with her. He wanted to see what she knew, if she was a fighter or a hunter. Or maybe a healer. He wanted to make sure she knew how to fight and defend herself. And he wanted to find his sons, bring them home, introduce them to Valhalla. His tail swayed in a wide arc. He had settled himself into the life he had here, thinking that he?d never see his children before his died. He had been absolutely content, believing that they were happy where they were. Now, new horizons were opened, paths that were blocked by rock falls were clear.

His head lifted as the wind turned direction slightly, bringing several scents to his nose. One of them was familiar. It pleased him. Meili was here. His paws took him into a lope toward the scents. Chrysanthe was there as well, along with Azalea, and a male who closely matched Azalea?s scent, apart from gender and his own unique blend of scents. One of the brothers had come home! He came into the scene, giving a welcoming woof to the group. ?Meili. It?s wonderful to see you again. How have you been?? Warm baritone rumbled with happiness. Not just from seeing her again. He was pleased that she?d chosen Valhalla, and looking at Gael, the innocent look on the boy?s face, he guessed that Gael was a big part of what had made her choose. He dipped his head to Chrysanthe and Azalea, Alpha and Heir.

?Good day Azalea, Chrysanthe, Gael. I trust your days are going well?? Heavy tail was in constant motion, swaying in slow wags just beyond his hocks.