
coyote ugly


06-30-2019, 11:31 PM
One voice is enough

Egan was able to gain a hold on the coyote he had thrown at him and was ferociously clawing and biting it while trying to shred its vital areas. Adonis on the other hand had taken the full attention of not only the coyotes but also the wolf. He could only hope this wolf was not some barbaric thing like those he was already learning about in these lands. He took a chance on saving this girl today and now she would have to either get lost and remember the strange pair or join them. His ears pinned but his eyes caught sight of the girl as she leaped into the fray fearlessly now. She took on one and Adonis looked to the others as they leapt at him. He was careful not to leap upward but as one took hold of his scruff he took hold of its leg in his massive jaws and roughly yanked it off him. The stray left red blood soaking his fur but he likely broke its leg if the crunch was anything to go by. A paw gripped into a second as he gave a toss to the first and pinned another that had leapt for him.

To an outside this may look odd, but to him this was natural. Defending others of any species was what he was always taught growing up. True he could of ended the life of the she wolf as well but he would rather eat dung. He was always a much gentler warrior anyway. He could easily end lives but he knew a true warrior had two sides. A war side and one that showed compassion to all souls.

He lifted that hreat paw as the coyote showed fear in its eyes and he watched as it ran, bleeding and darting away for safety. There was no need to end it's life. Even though he could the candids had learned a valuable lesson today. He looked to Egan as his coyote was flipped on the ground and whining. Egan had ceased his attack on it though. He moved and looked at the damage. It was fatal. The kindest thing was to end its life now and make its suffering end. He leaned down and bit into its trachea and severed its arteries in its neck quickly, releasing once it was gone from this earth. He sighed and looked back towards the girl now. She'd been lucky this time. "you should go home now. Its safer in your pack land I'm sure."

to make whole nations stand up


Word count: 421