
it's true, i crave you


07-19-2013, 07:40 AM
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Champion caught the slight curl of lip and hint of fang as she erased the space between them. Her first feeling was that it was promising; that he too had a fighter's instincts which roared out that bloodshed must be the only reason why two strangers would touch pelts. But that didn't seem to be it. His words, at first pleased and then confused. Champion's oversized maw was gifted with a wry smile. "I'm afraid that fear and I don't get along well. Whenever he dares show his face I charge forward and rip his heart out." It wasn't that she didn't ever feel fear, just that she had never let it stop her - she saw it as a sign that she was living her life to the fullest. She shrugged a pair of massive shoulders, a movement which quickly turned into another shudder of delight. Despite her initial confidence, however, she was a little less sure of the male now. Did he... want her to be frightened? Perhaps she had misunderstood, but that was the vibe she caught. Odd. Was that just a kinky thing, or was this male before her the sort that only preyed upon the weaker versions of her sex, more given to giggles and gasps and fearful looks of wonder. Yeesh. If so, Champion was about to be quite put out. This pale wolf had caught her fancy and held her attention in a way that no male had ever managed before. Would he bring her to the edge and then leave her hanging just because she was too much woman for him to handle?

Then came the new rush. The white head of the male was suddenly pressed into her mane. His cold pink nose against her skin sent goosebumps down her spine. With the movement and the touch at so sensitive an area- her only instinct was that she was under attack, as that she ought to go for his throat, held so tantalizingly close; Before he could set tooth her flesh she ought to rip past his fur and keep going til his coat was stained the color of his eyes. The unknowing of what it was the male desired, made her all the more dangerous now to toy with. And yet, she made no such mar upon his form. She only sought touch for touch. He'd buried his nose in her neck, she brought her muzzle lower down and close to his. A tongue as pink as primrose,came from parted jaws in an attempt to drag itself across the male's pulsing throat; a move to please both the lover and the fighter within her blood. It was the only answer she gave his words.

She couldn't help but feel expectant. To feel that all this was building up to something. But she was to be disappointed, or at least, once more confused. The male's words held an invitation for her to remain in his presence, and a denial of that which would secure her affections. Champion could not see his features from where her skull was among his silken neck furs, but she didn't feel she needed to. Her ears twitched and she began to withdraw her muzzle. "Pity," she murmured as she pulled back to stand once more in her own untainted space. "Here I was thinking we had all the time in the world."

With Champion's bear-like paws in the sand, and the salt winds playing and entangling her fur, she looked as though she were merely a part of the surrounding nature. Like she belong there in that cliff guarded cove, forever a part of the sand and surf and sky. Her eyes strayed to the waves for a moment, their slow, powerful turn from black-blue to white, calling her. Perhaps, she thought, perhaps she had made the male uneasy. A bit of performance and demonstration of skills sounded like fun for Champion, but to a proud creature, perhaps it was too much to ask. The truth was he had already impressed her greatly, but what he sought did not come easy. She would give him another chance, she decided. As she gaze at the sea, one ear was always turned to the male, and now her words were turned to him as well. "I come here when 'schedules' become far to tight." She granted her lungs a deep breath of sea air, and finally set her ruby gems upon the male once more. "Would you join me in the waves, sir ghost?" If he was not the sort to play for her, perhaps he would play with her. The thought of dancing around with him in the water, of chasing and leaping and seeing his form rippling in action was so promising... but would she be denied, again?

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