
hunting party

ft shaye



4 Years
07-01-2019, 06:08 PM
a rabbit was an easy catch, but two of them in one go was something. he'd blink thanks as Shaye complimented his efforts, dipping his head shyly. Benedict was a modest man, and he shouldn't have to be thanked to do the right thing. Abaven needed food. they had taken him in and also provided shelter. it was the least he could do to repay their efforts. dropping the rabbit so he could talk, he'd make a critical note to later strip the hide from each one. the fur could be useful later. "thank ye."

he'd pause though before adding in. nobody had shown him around yet. "no" he'd answer honestly, shaking his head and licking his lips free of blood. "haven't had t' time to see t' cache" he panted from the run, the adrenaline dying down and his slight accent more heavy due to exhaustion. it'd taken him years to control the heaviness. only now it was showing. "we could head there now, though?" Benedict suggested. despite the many individuals in the pack adding to their number, it could be easy for a predator to swoop in on the two wolves if they were hungry enough.

his kills stolen once or twice before, it was one of the many reasons why he chose to head for a pack right away. his allies could watch while he hunted. as he waited for Shaye's answer, he'd scuff at the ground to bury the bloodied earth. with the warren so close, he was sympathetic to the fact the rabbits had been killed near their home. he knew if Abaven had blood on their border, he'd cover it quickly so not to show weakness. besides, he'd spread it around there was a warren here at the main den sites and hope that the rabbits hadn't seen sense to move on.

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent