
The Bells Of Mourning



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-19-2013, 08:22 AM

Her demeanor changed rapidly -- from stunned, confused, to deadly serious. There was no reason Erani would be here so soon after her wedding. She could imagine Syrinx rushing here, making sure she had not been harmed by Maverick; but Erani was not a clingy kind of caretaker. It was more likely she would wait weeks to visit, or months -- or that Epiphron would return to Valhalla before she had a chance to venture so far herself. Any hints of a smile that may have lingered faded abruptly as the words began to spill from her lips.

'Epiphron... I'm so sorry.' Words she didn't want to hear. She felt her chest tighten, and her stomach sank. Before Erani even said the words, she knew with startling realization that her father was gone. Dead. The Adravendi sire had passed. And she had not been there to say goodbye to him. Their last meeting had been short, although needed, and though she had said goodbye to him in a way -- it wasn't the kind of goodbye she wished she'd been able to offer. The words washed over her, humbling her infinitely; the girl's red and white-furred ears pinned back against her skull, and she averted her eyes toward the earth. His last words had been 'I love you all.'

Tears threatened to spill from her own eyes, pools of blue slowly locking with Erani's own gaze. It was all too painful... so very painful. Gerhardt offered his condolences, and then retreated, going to give the news to the others. After a long moment of silence, she slunk forward, tucking her head under Erani's muzzle and wishing she could just stay there, disappear forever -- exactly how she'd felt when she'd heard of her mother's death. Erani had been there for that; it was only fitting she console the Seracian Princess again, at the news of her father's death. She was silent, but tears had begun to stream down her face, soaking the white-furred woman's fur.