
Euloxide [2/4 open]

Eulogy x oxide babies



7 Years
Extra large
07-09-2019, 10:59 AM
Name: Gloom Destruction

Sex: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Height/Build: 25" / Light

Appearance: #14 (Second choice #4)
Gloom is a dainty child, a china doll. The girl's head will be slightly larger than it seems her slender neck could hold up. Her tiny limbs are stick thin, almost no muscle seems to cover them, somehow she manages to avoid appearing too angular, her joints and places where bones would normally protrude are softer and rounded. It is unclear if her unusual build is the result of a stunted gestation or simply how the girl was always meant to be.

(Design #14)The child is draped in a plush coat, thick and long. Her coloration may not be the most stunning but there can be no denying some kind of genetic magic worked its way on the girl. The girl is a monochrome miracle, her base color a soft cream color, not quite a pure white but clean regardless. It's the ashen black that marks her that will really draw the eye, distributed unevenly across her form. The black will mark her ears, the nape of her neck and her tail, extending down her back to her shoulder and just above her abdominal cavity on her left side and running down her haunches nearly all the way down her hind leg. On her right side, the black will stick closer to her spine, extending only when it reached her rump. Though both limbs will be marked on her right side. On her face the black gives her the distinct destruction lines under her eyes and marks a short blaze up her nose and along her chin.

The girl's bright eyes are a clear sign of her heritage, brilliant lilacs would already be enough to make the girl look stunning but she bears a light blue color along the bottom of her irises.

(Design #4)The child is draped in a plush coat, thick and long. Her coloration may not be the most stunning but there can be no denying some kind of genetic magic worked its way on the girl. Her skin is a delicate pink but she was fortunate enough to avoid being considered albino. Instead, the girl's base coat could be described as a light brown color, though it hardly covers the majority of her form. For one darker, chocolate browns cover the majority of her limbs, fading up into the base color. This chocolate also rims the back of her back limbs, the underside of her tail, her ears and in a mask along her face. An even deeper brown marks each of her limbs in a gentle brindling. A pale cream color also marks under her eyes and the inside of her right ear. Most obviously though over all of this the girl is splashed in white like a paint bucket was dropped on her. It covers the majority of her torso and tail, creeping down her limbs and marking the upper left side of her head. There is a single delicate white star mark on her forehead and the white also marks her muzzle, running from between her eyes down her muzzle and her chin.

The girl's bright eyes are a clear sign of her heritage, brilliant blues would already be enough to make the girl look stunning but she bears a light purple color along the bottom of her irises.

Personality: Gloom picked up on her mother's timidity from a young age and like many children are want to do started to replicate what she saw. Which means she will be submissive early in her life if granted the opportunities to learn from others or to watch her own mother grow more confident she will eventually grow out of her submission if she has no one else to look up to she will continue to learn from her mother's mannerism. Regardless Gloom is a timid girl, she gets shy around strangers, preferring to hide behind her mother or siblings than face a stranger head-on. When she is forced to interact she can get easily flustered and trip on her own words.

As an adult Gloom will always sort of tailor herself to whoever she's interacting with, she compulsively wishes to please others and will be prone to copying others, squaring away their mannerism and building a version herself she considers ideal in that moment. Few enough who have managed to work past her defenses will know the girl as she actually is when she's not actively protecting herself. Timid still and easily flustered when left to her own devices, she will be particularly vulnerable to praise and compliments. Under the bluster and posturing, she is a deeply emotional creature, an open book when she lets her guard down. As an adult, she values information as a source of power and will seek out new things and guard her knowledge pool jealously. Depending on her pup hood the girl will either develop a fiercely independent streak, resenting being ordered around, or will always be more concerned with making others happy and therefore easy to bend to their will.

Plot Ideas: I really want Gloom to be shaped by her interactions as a pup, and to sort of keep her flexible in the way she acts. I'd like the idea of some puppy romances as well tbh, and I can see her having a really sweet whirlwind romance when she's older.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
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