

ft yurei, seasonal prompt



4 Years
07-02-2019, 01:02 PM
He happened to be walking by when he saw it.

Peaceful, the bay was home to plenty of tropical species. Fish, birds… even little hermit crabs. Benedict had come here to try and relax. He felt Abaven could do without him for a few hours; his rank was low and he hadn’t been involved a lot regarding pack life. Bidding farewell to the border, he wandered east until he reached the bay. It was a lovely sight if not for the smell of washed-up fish. Walking forward, he noticed the sheer amount of them. Some were already baked from the sun, but the others were in the waves still. Washing up before washing back to the ocean. He felt it was a waste to simply leave them there, but he didn’t have enough paws to carry most of them back.

He didn’t know why this had happened. They didn’t smell sickly nor could he say this was natural. But he’d make the most of it regardless. Abaven did need food after the fire, and Benedict had arrived at their border at a time where they needed active hunting done. He was all too eager to bring home some fish for the pack. Hoping some of his pack mates were close by, he’d send up a call for them. This wasn’t Abaven land, so if anyone else showed up to try and claim the fish… well, he’d either try to get as many as possible and split them with others. Benedict didn’t want to think about fighting another wolf for this food. There was plenty to go around. If not him, the fish would rot soon enough. Couldn’t have that. Not with hungry mouths that needed to be fed.

As he waited, the man began to gather the fish. Picking up a few in his jaws, he’d deposit them close to the grass and go back for more. He allowed the cool water to wash his paws as he trekked across the bay, going for the fish still in the water over the ones that had baked.

ooc words; 346 / 1500 words

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent