

ft yurei, seasonal prompt



4 Years
07-02-2019, 04:55 PM
The sea brought salty air and with it the inability to smell another being when they were further away. Benedict didn’t even see the woman until she was almost on top of him. Though her posture was easily submissive – which he didn’t like to see with women – he did start a bit. Getting over the initial shock of her presence, he’d crack a smile through the fish he held. Placing it on the sand, he’d turn and face her. “t’ fish are all… dead” he’d flick a tail to the beach, illustrating his point that they were just corpses. Not at all alive anymore. It’d be a waste to simply let them rot there. “they’re easy t’ catch right now. All ye hafta do is pick ‘em up. Want t’ help?” his accent was becoming more prompt these days. He didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He thought he lost it a year ago.

He stood there, waiting for the woman to answer but then hurried into an explanation. “m’ pack, Abaven, could use t’ food. M’ collecting all this fish fer ‘em. Don’t rightly have t’ ability to carry ‘em all back” he didn’t expect her to also join him, but it was a nice thought. Between the two of them, they could carry much more. But this wolf was a loner – he could smell it on her coat, the lack of people – and sometimes loners didn’t do anything for free. “if ye help, ye can have half o’ the load?” he offered. Though he also didn’t know if she was going to be useful to this excursion. She could tell him to shove it. She could scoff at him. But he was just being honest; two sets of bodies was better than none. He planned to load a few carefully on his back and in his jaws and walk back. But that could be awkward. He’d much rather have help loading the fish on him.

Even if he smelt fishy afterward, Benedict knew his pack would appreciate the food.

ooc words; 1008 / 1500 words