
dive in

ft fracture, acere



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-02-2019, 07:45 PM

"One moment, Fracture." Came the King's reply, and Fracture's head dropped in defeat. He turned back towards the two, patiently waiting to hear what Acere might need from him. The titan was discussing where Heloise might fit within the pack, deciding that she'd receive the rank of Squire to begin with. Fracture nodded to himself as the conversation continued. There was no shame in being placed in an in-training rank, and from the look of the scars she bore Fracture believed she'd prove her worth quickly as a warrior.

Then the King turned to him. "Where do your interests lie? I figure I can place you, too while you're here." The dark male lifted his head high as his alpha addressed him, brow furrowing slightly as he considered the question. "Your Grace," The title felt right and so far the King had not expressed that he disliked it. "My sole interest lies only with helping further our pack, there is no specific title I desire. My skills are strongest in combat, I'd be happy to remain with Heloise in the rank of Squire should you have me." He paused, collecting his thoughts and considering carefully the best way to word the rest of what he wanted to say. "However, I do strive to be the best I can be; I ask that upon a day for promotions that you'd consider me. I feel I am not suited to remain at the bottom of the barrel forever." Fracture gave the King a small smile, hoping that his request was not too bold.

Heloise then asked where she might be able to settle, and Fracture turned to her. "The large structure in the distance - they call it a ship? - that's where I'm going to be staying, I think. When you find where you'd like to make your home, you can come find me for a spar."
