

ft fracture



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-02-2019, 08:03 PM

Heloise would continue explaining her run in with the cougar, and Fracture was surprised to hear that it succeeded in fleeing. The female seemed battle-hardened, and he would have assumed she'd have killed the cat for daring to fight her. It seemed she had help, as well. A healer? Absently, Fracture wondered if she was nearby and looking for a pack. Winterfell could do with more healers, he was sure. "I'm glad you made it through okay." He said after she was finished.

She jumped down off the deck and Fracture followed behind her. "The markings are faint." He smiled at the ground at her disapproving noise, then looked up at her. Of course the markings were faint - not only had Winterfell only just retained this land, but it was packed so far into the corner of the world that it'd be difficult for just any outsider to stumble upon. They'd have to either cross through their outward territory of the Sparse Plains, or cross the Marble Wash. "Well, we're quite lucky with the way the land is." Dark head nodded towards the north and east, where the ocean lay. "We are bordered by water on two sides, and then that way -" He motioned towards the towering wall to the south. "- is a huge wall, too treacherous to scale. It covers most of the southern edge of the plains, with only a few gaps to squeeze through." Lastly, his head swiveled west, towards the frozen river in the distance. "We should focus our patrols on that border, it's one of the few expanses of land that an outsider could reasonably cross through." Taking his own advice he turned to walk to the west, interjecting once more to the she-wolf. "You must be careful at the Marble Wash, however. I hear the valley is quite dangerous with many cliffs. I suppose we should be glad for it ... more obstacles to keep our home safe from danger."
