
Just doing what I can




4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-02-2019, 08:26 PM


Cannival was truly glad that the wolf did not need healing and allowed herself to relax as settled into a more comfortable position. So far their conversation was pleasant, and thankfully he did not take offense to her rather bold assumption. To herself she wished that all the Abaven wolves would be as easy to talk to as Corvus.

"So, how'd you come to Abaven, anyway? You said you've been allowed.. sanctuary?" He seemed confused, and Cannival couldn't blame him. It wasn't normal to see a lioness living among wolves, especially when she had so very little to offer the pack. Hopefully one day she'd prove more useful to them. "It's a bit of a long story." She admitted sheepishly, giving him a sad smile. "I lived in a pride once, but large cats -" Her massive head shook in disappointment, wishing she did not have to be associated with the beasts. "- They're very, very cruel. They kill cubs." Her voice caught for a moment at the word, and Cannival had to take a moment to center herself. "Like you wolves, sometimes the leaders get overthrown. With lions however, when a new male takes over the pride... well, he doesn't like the competition of the ex-leader's bloodline running around." Golden eyes squeezed shut. "So he kills them, the young. Then the mothers are expected to bear his children, instead."

She let the silence wash over her for a moment, trying to regain her composure. It was a hard story to tell, and she'd never gone into it with such detail. To Shaye and Rhyme she'd given the cliff notes, but it'd been so long since she'd spoke of it now. "So, our leader killed my cubs. I left, then. Hoping to find somewhere new to live. I came upon Abaven, and your leaders were gracious enough to let me stay." A fond smile touched her lips, and she added one last thought. "Your pups here are very, very sweet. It's nice to be around children again."

